Coke or Clot? Hamlin Clams Up When Asked What Doctors Said About His Heart Stoppage – IOTW Report

Coke or Clot? Hamlin Clams Up When Asked What Doctors Said About His Heart Stoppage

Read the absolute idiot’s comment below the video. These shitstains are desperate to cover up what we all know.. the shot has severe problems associated with it.

17 Comments on Coke or Clot? Hamlin Clams Up When Asked What Doctors Said About His Heart Stoppage

  1. I knew it wasn’t what we’d been told, because I’d seen Commotio Cordis before, and that wasn’t it.

    I had a pretty good idea what it WAS, because I’ve seen Jab victims before too. In the last couple three years, I think we ALL have.

    Including – and especially- Doctors.

    One of the biggest stories of the Coof Goof is how quickly medicine dropped their ethics to whore after government dollars. The doctors all knew…KNEW all this was a lie from the outset but they are the Obamacare generation and either too timid and new to make waves in Fascist partnered corporate medical megapractices or all too happy to make long, Big Pharma green with paid enhancements for writing Coof on death certificates and following lethal protocols because they could easily bury their mistakes and blame someone else.

    I don’t know about coke. Most of my clientele couldn’t afford coture drugs like that and stuck to the smack. But it damn sure wasn’t Fentanyl or Horse because that pretty much ends you when it hits your veins, not after you play a down.

    So this fellow was most likely wrecked by the Fauci Ouchie. He knows it and his doctors know it.

    But they are all too aware that they will be fired and disposessed if they say anything, even assuming they aren’t fool enough to still believe the lies, so another teachable moment is lost as “doctors” line up poisonous fake vaxxxines for incoming kindergardeners who aren’t even at risk for the supposed disease, for no other reason than the FDA needs to keep the lie going and the WEF needs to keep the sterilizers flowing…

  2. lying liars lie

    “The report states that EcoHealth Alliance approached DARPA in March 2018, seeking funding to conduct gain of function research of bat borne coronaviruses. The proposal, named Project Defuse, was rejected by DARPA over safety concerns and the notion that it violates the basis gain of function research moratorium.
    According to the documents, NAIAD, under the direction of Dr. Fauci, went ahead with the research in Wuhan, China and at several sites across the U.S.”
    referenced document:

  3. The clot shot killed Marvin Hagler way back in March ’21. 66 years old, and according to Thomas Hearns he was in ‘fighting shape’. People knew what was happening even back then.

  4. I wasnt quite convinced until I saw that video. Obvious stonewalling. What puzzled me is that he has recovered from his near death experience

    In every other instance, when an athlete has mysteriously drops dead on the field, they STAY DEAD

  5. No mystery-it was the CCP clot making “vaccine” that almost killed him. He needs to admit it. Forget his handlers and lawyers bad advise. He should leave the leftist plantation and the NFL. Yes, it will costs him, but God will have his back.
    This young man has a testimony, know God. Only God’s grace and mercy saved this guy. His Covid-compliant doctors are probably surprised he didn’t pass away. Truly, a miracle.


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