Colin Kaepernick Says Reports That He Will Stand For Anthem on a New Team are “Fake News” – IOTW Report

Colin Kaepernick Says Reports That He Will Stand For Anthem on a New Team are “Fake News”


CBS News reported that Colin Kaepernick will stand for the National Anthem if he’s signed by an NFL team, but the reporter who first revealed that detail, Jason La Canfora, has now issued a clarification and says he didn’t even ask Kaepernick about the topic.

Furthermore, Kaepernick tweeted a series of tweets questioning the CBS report.

That’s just for starters. Kaepernick also tweeted a string of other tweets criticizing the report, although he never specifically said what he will do during the National Anthem if a team signs him.


22 Comments on Colin Kaepernick Says Reports That He Will Stand For Anthem on a New Team are “Fake News”

  1. Speculation that any team will sign him is the real fake news.

    Hey. Did I tell you guys that SF wants to sign me as their starting QB? Pretty exciting, eh?

    That might be fake news, too.

  2. That’s one way to keep Kaepernick and his anti-American activities in the forefront. How about a photo shoot with Bergdahl and Manning next.

    I don’t care about Kaepernick or the other treasonous oppressed NFL millionaires or the NFL as a whole. Don’t watch anymore, nor do I frequent those businesses who advertise during the games!

    Social justice my backside !

  3. I read an article claiming Uncle George Soreazz is helping the NFL syndicate absorb financial losses during this difficult period. I speculat he is subsidizing the kneelers. mMaltreated, underpaid millionaires. On the bright side 78% are broke when they leave the league.

  4. This Football bullshit has got to be exiting for Liberals, they really never had a place in sports until now. ” Go 49er’s one more Home Run ”
    Now Guys can go to the game to talk on the Cell, waving with Glee to their boyfriends across the Stadium !!!

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