Colin Kaepernick’s Loud Mouth Racist Girlfriend Killed His Chance At Being a Raven – IOTW Report

Colin Kaepernick’s Loud Mouth Racist Girlfriend Killed His Chance At Being a Raven


Ray Lewis joined Showtime’s “Inside the NFL” on Tuesday night where he said that the Ravens were hoping to finish a deal with Kaepernick before the tweet changed Bisciotti’s mind.

“We were going to close the deal to sign him,” Lewis said. “Steve Bisciotti said, ‘I want to hear Colin Kaepernick speak to let me know that he wants to play football,” Lewis added. “And it never happens because that picture comes up the next day.”

Kaepernick’s girlfriend, Nessa Diab, tweeted a photo comparing an image of Lewis hugging Bisciotti to a scene from “Django Unchained” in which Samuel L. Jackson, who plays a loyal slave, is holding Leonardo DiCaprio, who plays a plantation and slave owner.


25 Comments on Colin Kaepernick’s Loud Mouth Racist Girlfriend Killed His Chance At Being a Raven

  1. I used to really like him when he played for the University of Nevada’s Wolfpack, but now he can kiss my Battle Born ass. I take great pleasure in giving the photo of him hanging in the Reno Airport the finger every time I fly.

  2. Only person keeping CK in chains is his nappy headed girlfriend.
    Keep it up Nessa, with increased deportations, they’ll be plenty of jobs on the (perceived) plantation for both of you.

  3. He told her to do it so he could hide behind her skirts. He doesn’t want to play anything but a layabout martyr waiting for some edgy, hipster, virtue-signaling billionaire to offer him an endorsement deal where he can pose. Eff him.

  4. Kaep, go to hell. Take his sycophants with him. Very few people, black or white, were blessed so mightily by the Good Lord. Made it to the NFL, which has made more black millionaires than any other organization. Kaep is so stupid he decided to suck up to Antifa and BLM. In the long run, Kaep is going to take down many black athletes because he is so arrogant and played too much football without a helmet. Why the f*ck does he hang around musloids? Just how effin stupid is he?

  5. “Can’t we just skip ahead to the part where the happy couple O.D. in a hotel bathroom?”

    You don’t want to skip the scene with Ray and her talking about it in the elevator. I hear it’s a knockout of a scene.

  6. Mom always said “You are judged by the company that you keep”. Anybody ever hear that when they were a kid? As I get older I realize all that old farm philosophy shit was right on the money.

  7. OK let’s hope it’s over. He’s gone. Let’s Play football and The National Anthem. Any team that permits childish antics, shut them off. But send a note to their advertisers. That should put a brake on the bullshit.

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