Collective “sigh of relief” Heard From Supranational Organizations Upon Hearing Biden ‘Won’ Election – IOTW Report

Collective “sigh of relief” Heard From Supranational Organizations Upon Hearing Biden ‘Won’ Election


U.N. agencies and globalist organizations delivered a collective “sigh of relief” on Sunday as they awaited the prospect of Joe Biden in the White House and a return to the unrestricted flow of U.S. taxpayer dollars.

Their joy at accessing the U.S. aid checkbook came 48-hours after the European Union applauded Biden, saying “things are going to get a lot easier” because he will be diplomatic putty compared to a combative Donald Trump, as Breitbart News reported. More

9 Comments on Collective “sigh of relief” Heard From Supranational Organizations Upon Hearing Biden ‘Won’ Election

  1. Thanks goodness we’ll be invited back to the loving, hormone enhanced transgender bosom of the world community to lead from behind.

    Our invitations to all the cool kid international cocktail parties are already in the mail along with the obligatory payment due upon receipt invoice and accompanying late charges.

  2. ” …. a return to the unrestricted flow of U.S. taxpayer dollars. …. ”

    With the size of the debt we now have, those dollars are unlikely to be worth much for very long. Probably end up like the Wiemar era German Mark did before it’s finally over and done with.


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