College Coach And 4 Assistants Fired For Not Getting The Jab – IOTW Report

College Coach And 4 Assistants Fired For Not Getting The Jab

CBS News

Washington State head football coach Nick Rolovich has been fired for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19, the university announced Monday. Four assistant coaches were also fired for not being vaccinated.

Both the university and the state of Washington have implemented vaccine mandates. The deadline to receive a COVID-19 vaccine for state, health care and school employees in Washington was Monday. More

6 Comments on College Coach And 4 Assistants Fired For Not Getting The Jab

  1. Was this part of their original employment agreement? If not, I would like to see how they explain it in court. That goes for any of the employers who implement mandates.

    Yes, an employee is free to leave if requirement change and the employee does not agree, but usually thhey do not violate the Nuremberg protocols.

  2. Bummer to be a state employee. And their unions are doing nothing on their behalf.

    I just learned something very cool today. My bestest friend (met her in the Air Force) is the aunt of the Washington State Patrolwoman who just quit after 23 years (also for refusing to take “the jab”). If you haven’t see it yet, here is her letter, posted on FB (until it’s removed):

    “The last few days I’ve been reflecting on and feeling grateful for 23 years with WSP. The bonds and history lived together with so many of you, run deep and are dear to my heart. Today that chapter in life came to a close…not by my choice, as so many say that it is. I choose FREEDOM and always will. I have a heavenly Father who is SO MUCH BIGGER than al of this and I hae peace in my soul that I know can only come from Him. “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” Matt: 6:25 I know am valuable to Him…and that’s all that really matters.

    To my brothers and sisters experiencing the same heartbreak, I stand with you. For those still serving in any capacity with WSP, I stand with YOU too. Now more than ever, when I see a “lightning bolt” on our highways, know that you’re prayed for and loved.

    X750 out of service”

  3. True Americans; standing up for The Constitution. And fired for so doing! Guts!

    they were far from the first, and likely not the last. But the $ they gave up for freedom makes them newsworthy.


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