College-educated whites more likely to say Trump is racist than non-college educated ones- I WONDER WHY? – IOTW Report

College-educated whites more likely to say Trump is racist than non-college educated ones- I WONDER WHY?

It’s not because they are smarter.


Executive director of the Immigration Reform Law Institute Dale Wilcox said that this may be due to the “far-left groupthink that is pervasive in academia today.”

A new survey shows that white college graduates are much more likely to believe that President Donald Trump’s immigration policies are motivated by racist beliefs than are whites who do not have a college degree.

Quinnipiac University’s July 30 survey on Trump’s perceived racism indicated that 46 percent of respondents who are white and have a college degree believe that “the main motive behind President Trump’s immigration policies” is not a “sincere interest in securing our borders” but, rather, Trump’s “racist beliefs.” “Given the far-left groupthink that is pervasive in academia today, these results are not surprising”    Tweet This

Only 31 percent of white people without a college degree said that Trump’s immigration policies are mainly influenced by “racist beliefs.”

“Given the far-left groupthink that is pervasive in academia today, these results are not surprising,” Dale Wilcox, executive director and general counsel at the Immigration Reform Law Institute, told Campus Reform. “What is revealing is that working-class people, those who are more impacted by the harmful effects of illegal immigration, have a far more reality-based view of the problem.”


13 Comments on College-educated whites more likely to say Trump is racist than non-college educated ones- I WONDER WHY?

  1. I graduated from college in 1977 and the liberal female professor in the Human Relations class I had to take was already spewing the liberal crap that every other race and gender was better than any white man. It must be ten times worse by now.

  2. It’s because non college educated whites don’t spend hours, days, months, years listening the guilt ridden intellectuals.
    They are most likely working stiffs who work side by side with people of al stripes. They work together, eat lunch together, break each others balls; bowl together, golf together, and have a few brews together. And above all, help each other in time of need.
    That’s why! But then, I’m just a deplorable.

  3. I am white and have an MD and find that Trump does not have a racist bone in his body. I can assert that the media and other powers are using racism as you can not defend yourself from that accusation. College profs are not that smart. They have a concentrated amount of knowledge about an isolated topic, but outside that topic they are sadly lacking in perception, logic, general knowledge and people skills.

  4. Because they are useless assholes whose parents paid for their education by a bunch of resentful socialist professors who only get notoriety by constantly outdoing each other with more and more radical thoughts.

    My father always said, ” we send our kids to school to become stupid!”

    He is 79 years old, rich, and his first job was manually digging out trenches for the gasoline tanks at gas stations when Italians were cheaper than renting a bulldozer.

    Now he owns an HVAC business, real estate, investment properties and 7 vehicles. No University!

  5. Polls/surveys have long been “taken” to prove a point – NOT REPORT THE TRUTH. A classic case in point. spring ’09 the 2 liberal/progressive networks each had a poll saying 90% of Americans supported Romneycare! Names:CNN, Fox. they both said the TParty ballot measure in KS was a waste of time; it did not have a chance. Fox even had the father of RomneyCare on 37 times a week, for 3 months, telling us why RomneyCare was soo good. 12 months later when we had a real poll, with real Americans voting, RomnyeCAre was only supported by 23%; 75% said the state should go to court to strike RomneyCare down.

    Both Fox + CNN fabricated their polls to “prove a point”. (BTW Fox is Rep; but hyper liberal/progressive Rep!)

    I am sure the same thing is happening here. I have several degrees, I have many friends with a min of a BS, many like myself have grad degrees. All in this group support Don. All these White college grads voted Don in ’16. Now I also have whit friends who took the Rove/Bush directive and voted Clinton. But they ARE NOT THE MAJORITY~!?@#$~

    I would bet Quin said 10/16 that Clinton would win. They have a liberal axe they wish to grind!

  6. David7134. I agree, as do most of us, that President Trump is not a racist. Neither is he a sexist. I worked on many of his jobs in NYC. The first female Project Manager I ever
    encountered was on a Trump job. We “men” were a little skeptical. But she was sharp as a tack and a great decision maker. Just like her boss. She also had a sense of humor. This was back in the 80’s. Man I miss those days.
    But now I’m just a year younger than Kcir’s Father, but grew up the same way. First job was mixing concrete with a shovel. Viva Italia Kcir.

  7. Sad to say it, but the current crop of white kids are horrible babies. They just had it too soft. When you get a nobel prize for showing up – er – a trophy for showing up, you become like these loxes.

    Good job, liberal parents.


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