College Girls Get in Trouble For Singing A Rap Song – IOTW Report

College Girls Get in Trouble For Singing A Rap Song

The lyrics say “nigga” over and over again. The lacrosse team, who know the song, sang the song. THEY got in trouble. No one has said a word about the recording being wrong. We live in strange times.

And what is the execrable NY Daily News take? It’s as stupid as it gets.

Virginia Tech women’s team video provides latest example of lacrosse’s diversity problem.

“This sport of lacrosse needs to look like this country and to put it bluntly — it doesn’t,” Chazz Woodson, a black pro player said at a recent diversity and inclusion summit for the sport.

He’s right.

Lacrosse has been struggling with diversity issues for decades and the Virginia Tech video was not an isolated incident. It marked the fifth time since December lacrosse players have been involved in hateful incidents.


How is this a hateful incident? Singing a song written by a black person is hateful? Really?

What is more hateful than writing a song that if someone of the wrong color sings it it is deemed hateful? What kind of set-up is that? What kind of aggressive bullshit is that?


23 Comments on College Girls Get in Trouble For Singing A Rap Song

  1. Rap is the stupidest crap I’ve ever heard of. They can rhyme the word orange.
    For ten years I had to listen to Snoop Dog cause the little prick next door used to blast that crap.
    And M&M

  2. I hate Leftists. They’re the insufferable school kid who simply hates when somebody else is having fun.

    And Diversity problem? The only problem I see is this obsessive bean counting from the Diversity Hall Monitors.

  3. The point is obviously the unequal application of justice, which is to instead establish arbitrary, situational justice (injustice) as the rule.

    The end goal is to subdue you and to establish who rules over whom…first in small, petty ways, then in major, life-altering ones.

    We’ve already arrived at Orwell’s vanishing point of being forced to say two plus two equals five. If you need proof of that, call a sodomite by the wrong pronoun in the wrong career field and you’ll find out very quickly who rules over you.

    This madness is spreading, becoming entrenched, and there’s only one escape hatch from it.

  4. Rap is nothing but juvenile garbage, irritating and grating noise that evokes rage from drivers stuck at traffic lights everywhere.
    The ever increasing list of “artists” that bellow this crap should be shot on sight.
    There isn’t any of them that know the first thing about musical instruments.

  5. When the NBA can cite their player’s racial make-up is equivalent of the US population as a whole, come talk to me Chazz.

    (What kind of name is Chazz???)

  6. I have been predicting this would happen for a long time. Now they are telling the kids “you can buy our music you just cant enjoy it or sing along it”.

    This is what is making these young kids realize liberal leftist Nazis and SJWs are full of hate and insanity. I have said many times here, more young kids are rejecting these Nazis than we think, they are just too scared to speak out on campus because they feel its not worth it.

    Tha Nazi leftists are self destructing and we must help them along.

  7. I remember when black musicians were at the forefront of musical innovation and virtuosity. Now all they produce are obscene hopscotch rhymes and overwrought shrieking by fatass women in their underwear.

    If you don’t want white people to sing your songs so much, make the music more challenging. Making every third word “nigga” is a cop-out.

  8. Rap, I’ll not call it music, has contributed to the deterioration of our communities, both black and white, in more ways than we realize yet. Exposing young minds to the glorification of drive by shootings, car jacking’s, drug use, theft, gang activity and other nefarious actions is despicable.
    When my grandson attempted to play an example of this crap I introduced him to the thrills of skeet shooting. He rapidly came to the conclusion that clay pigeons were considerably cheaper.

  9. White kids should try to avoid listening to that nigger shit music, because most of it is just an instrument to poison the minds of the listeners. Just look what hateful, hopeless morons many blacks have become.


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