College Hides Murals Before They Can Offend – IOTW Report

College Hides Murals Before They Can Offend

The Diversity Leadership Team formed at The University of Wisconsin-Stout determined that two murals depicting Native Americans in early American history might be deemed offensive by Native American students.

Originally commissioned by Roosevelt’s Works Progress Administration in 1936, the murals done by artist Cal Peters will be moved from their prominent place in Harvey Hall to the library and a dean’s conference room where they are less likely to be seen by students.


See the possibly offending murals Here

13 Comments on College Hides Murals Before They Can Offend

  1. It stands to the progressive reason, if you teach revised History of the US, you don’t want to have pictures raise questions that may cause doubt about what students have been taught and not taught.
    This conflict alone may cause students to research History and the foundation of this country on their own. God forbid they be exposed to truth at that special snowflake age of their twenties.
    Progressive Government Education knows what’s best.

  2. Why don’t we hide the Diversity Leadership Team, the dean, and the chancellor, before they MIGHT offend me? Oops! Too late. I’m already offended by them.
    Well, let’s hide them all — just bury them up to their waists — head first.

  3. It’s not racism they’re worried about, they just want Natives to disappear.
    Speaking as a Native American + Black + White person we will stop you by being all up in your business because we will never be silenced and never be hidden. In paintings, in writing, in sports teams. We will not be pushed out nor silenced. And I am unanimous in this.
    Also, feel free to kiss our firewater makin’, chicken eatin’, mayo sandwhich makin’ tanned asses, entirely.

  4. We can’t have natives and whitey getting along, now. Not even in the past.

    What, exactly is this “improved, blackwashed world” going to be like? Where ya going with this, morons?

  5. Are we now a nation of hand wringing bed wetters?
    Give me the paintings and I’ll proudly display them. I’ll build another building on my property and open it to the public free of charge.

  6. Very nice paintings. If anybody is going to be offended by them it’s going to be that trapper’s mother. Standing up in a birch bark canoe while traveling down a river and holding a loaded firearm!

1 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. An update of the harmful Native American paintings at UW-Stout

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