College investigates prof who encouraged students to write about ‘pathological liar,’ ‘sexual predator’ Donald Trump – IOTW Report

College investigates prof who encouraged students to write about ‘pathological liar,’ ‘sexual predator’ Donald Trump

Campus Reform-

  • An Illinois history professor encouraged students to submit a 5-7 page paper on Trump, offering them a variety of potential topics.
  • Among the suggestions provided by the professor were Trump being a “pathological liar” and “sexual predator.”
  • The college told Campus Reform it is investigating the claims.

10 Comments on College investigates prof who encouraged students to write about ‘pathological liar,’ ‘sexual predator’ Donald Trump

  1. Student Kicked Off Zoom Class Over Her Trump Flag!

    A high school junior student by the name of Mollie Woodbury was kicked off of her zoom class due to the Trump flag displayed on her wall. The flag was visible in the background during the zoom class and the teacher asked her to remove it. When Mollie refused, she was kicked off of the zoom class… .

  2. He even looks stupid. Some people actually have to speak before you know it, this guy … just look at the vacuous eyes. Wouldn’t surprise me if he’s also a pedophile.

  3. EXTIR

    This has been the type that “PASSES FOR A SCHOOLTEACHER” for over 70 years. Decades ago I spent many hours in Detention for arguing with Civics and English teachers about the “xenophobic, white nationalist” Ike and OPERATION WETBACK.

    Teachers, in general – not all. have been American haters since HST!

    OPERATION WETBACK was the best thing to happen to working Americans in over 50 years. If you were a criminal alien, yes it was very bad!


  4. @Blink

    I can’t imagine that type of thing happening in the 1960’s when I was in HS. If someone came to school wearing a Johnson or Goldwater badge or some other political paraphernalia, I don’t think anybody would have gotten too concerned about it.

    If my memory is correct about that, it means there was a lot more freedom than than now. That is disturbing.

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