College Profs Who Criticize Communism – IOTW Report

College Profs Who Criticize Communism

In a rare “man bites dog” type story, Campus Reform reports on a recent panel of academics who called communism a near religion among its practitioners and declared it bound to turn totalitarian and “inhuman” when put into practice. More

8 Comments on College Profs Who Criticize Communism

  1. “a…religion among its practitioners and…bound to turn totalitarian and inhuman when put into practice.”

    Yes, every time, because it’s the false god of the godless that bids them do whatever they will to whoever they want, grants them the power, and can never morally judge them whatever they do. To the believer, I can understand how a mere constitutional republic of laws under God must seem truly stupid by comparison.

  2. College leaders need to get their shit together and quit supporting Communism, Socialism, law-breaking, and the stifling of pro-Capitalistic dissent.
    And we all need to make such colleges that do support bad behavior pay financially, however we can.

  3. It seems idiot “professors” are the last to realize this. The word “ideology” wasn’t invented until the late 1700s or else it would have been included in the First Amendment – – Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or IDEOLOGY…

  4. University academics have no consequences for their actions, and their livelihood is derived from government largess. Of course many of them are communists and socialists – they have no useful skills, they believe that their gig will last forever, and that they will be instrumental in a new totalitarian regime.

    History actually teaches differently. Intellectuals are usually one of the first against the wall because they will turn against the leaders if (and when) they get disillusioned, and they are not going to have a place in the leadership. These folks may as well take up smoking so that last cigarette before the blindfold will taste better.

  5. Anything/anyone who wishes to take from me my God granted freedom is godless. Freedom is the most important pillar that the US is founded on. Freedom. Liberalism has removed our freedoms to the point where they thought “just one last candidate and its finished” but then Trump happened.

    Glad i am living through this period in history, but honestly i wish it was 1974 and i was 24 again.

  6. @CharlieWoW — (I like it! Would you consider changing your name? LOL)

    I wish it was 1974 and I wasn’t twenty yet, too. 🙂

    I wanted to list out a bunch of socialist dictators by way of comparison the other day, but when I went on a search for those beyond the best known, I was shocked at the sheer numbers on every continent from about 1700 onward. It really drove home the magical exceptionalism of the United States of America.

  7. @AbigailAdams. I’ve posted with that handle many times. Seems over the top (wow) but then i think others think WalksonWater is over the top too. But then I dont gas if others cant figure out what my intent is. (I know you have) (at least i think you have) And then again, i’m exhausted from a loooong day yesterday and i ramble a lot anyway even when i’m not tired and just sitting here with my eyes drooping and slowly fading. . .


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