College Students Say They Trust Chinese Government More Than Trump – IOTW Report

College Students Say They Trust Chinese Government More Than Trump

27 Comments on College Students Say They Trust Chinese Government More Than Trump

  1. How could they NOT trust the US Government? Just look at the crap they’ve been fed for the last 10 years by the media and left wing professors. I’d guess their average age is about 20.

  2. South Park, naturally:
    Driver: Oh wow, you guys shouldn’t be doing that. Don’t you know what you’re doing to the world?
    Kyle: Wha- whataya mean?
    Man 1: [wearing a guitar over his back] You’re playing into the corporate game! See, the corporations are trying to turn you into little Eichmann’s so that they can make money. [the other man is busily eating chips]
    Stan: Who are the corporations?
    Woman 2: [a blonde with a psychedelic fish on her shirt] The corporations run the entire world. And now they fooled you into working for them.
    Stan: Are you serious? We never heard that.
    Driver: We just spent our first semester at college. Our professors opened our eyes. The government is using its corporate ties to make you sell magazines so they can get rich.

  3. It wouldn’t occur to them that if they were Chinese, students or otherwise, and made a similar public statement about trusting Trump more than the Chinese government they would be imprisoned or possibly even executed for saying it.

    Remember Tienanmen.

  4. …that would make their Social Credit score go up in China, if it weren’t for the fact the Chinese are racist against White people AND Black people…

  5. Poor kids. The chances are high they’ll never grow up.

    I was so Conservative in college that people (like my family) got tired of me lecturing them on the Constitution and the law, in general. Most of them were just often wrong and I didn’t let it pass. These days, I have GAF’s disease.

  6. It’s funny but I said a similar thing recently. I’ve lived in China and it’s great, fun place with nice, conservative people. Our media tries to vilify them but I like the Chinese, a lot. What I said recently was that I trust the Chinese to be far better, more fair, more conservative, rational people than the American left. And it’s not even close. I trust their decency and humanity and maturity far more than the American Left. They are true adults in China as opposed to our Leftists. So I wonder how these Soyboys would feel if I could explain to them about how they rate versus the Chinese. I want to reiterate that I LIVED in China and didn’t merely get told how to feel about China by our media.

  7. A skull cavity filled with jellied sewage isn’t capable of containing concepts like patriotism or fidelity to those who share the same culture and country.. Hopefully the post school life will cleanse the debris and allow for normal brain function.

  8. So, ask yourself, why would anyone – and I mean, literally, ANYONE – trust something (or anything) of which he has absolutely NO experience?
    Does that make even bad sense?

    Are they unaware that the Chinese gov’t discriminates against moslems?
    In fact, that it OPPRESSES them?

    Why are people proud of their ignorance? Perhaps that’s the educational systems’ most profound achievement: Ignorant and Proud of It!

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. College Students Say They Trust Chinese Government More Than Trump

    That’s not a statistically representative sample.
    Just the ones that voted for him.

  10. Governments should never be trusted whether they’re American, Chinese, Russian, Venzuelan or Martian. Just don’t trust them. On the other hand, there are a few individuals in government that can be trusted. Trump is one of these. Obama, the Clintons, Bushes, and at least 95% of Congress and the bureaucrats are not.

    College students are like any other group of people, they can’t all be tarred with the same brush. Quite a few of them would be better off if they started their career at Starbucks right out of high school. If they decide a degree in gender studies will enhance their career by the time they’re thirty, they can always go back to school.

  11. @judgeroybean June 9, 2019 at 2:11 pm

    > Young fool will be 31 years old, living in 2 BR apartment with 3 other guys, all with minimum wage jobs they can walk to.

    Not paying for Obamacare for all the “adult” boomers “in the room”?

    Not paying for “his” ex-wife’s children?

    Not paying for the “infrastructure” his professional betters call “government investment”?

    Not paying the interest on your 401k’s?

    That “fool”?

  12. Galt in Place,

    I heard that. Maybe not everyone gets it, but I do. Nice post. That fool working 35 hours a week at a lower stress job, minimalizing, travelling to the third world where his money lasts 15 times longer and the women are 15 times better. Finding time for his OWN life instead of ‘manning up’ and slaving away for the betterment of others’ lives. What a fool!

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