Colleges Canceling “Whiteness” Courses – IOTW Report

Colleges Canceling “Whiteness” Courses

Apparently, the tide is turning on University campuses around the country and the courses designed to study and counter “Whiteness” and “privilege” are being dropped by some schools. More

It’s kind of a shame, really. If I were an employer I’d require graduates have their transcripts sent to me, then I’d look for any courses like these and immediately circular file those applications.

13 Comments on Colleges Canceling “Whiteness” Courses

  1. In my will I am leaving a scholarship fund at my alma mater for white males only.
    There is NO ONE looking out for white males.
    I hope to make a difference in some guys’ lives.
    And to piss off a LOT of people.

  2. Money talks.

    A friend is a recruiter for Mizzou, and was when the whole football etc. scandal hit in 2015. Their recruiting numbers are finally recovering, I am sure in part because they have made sure not to be in the headlines. My guess is that donors took a pass too, at least for a while.

  3. I wonder how many alumni got fed up with these places and told them to “Take a very long walk off a very short pier” and to forget getting any future financial support from them? That’s how you hurt these asshat institutions – hit them in the wallet. Wakes them up REAL QUICK.

  4. When Colleges get back to normal teaching, we are going to have a sandwiched Generation. Those who attended University during the Obama years will be easily distinguished, and probably overlooked in the Job Market.

  5. This is what my white privilege has gotten me. The privilege of taking advantage of the educational opportunities given to me as young man. The privilege of being expected to move out of the house and support myself after school ended. The right to get a job and support myself. The privilege to marry, have children, support them financially, and act like a father. The privilege of raising my kids to be independent and make better choices in their youth than I did. The privilege of paying taxes. The privilege of sending my kids to college. The privilege of supporting my church. The privilege of assisting my community to make it better.

    If you are black, brown, white, red or any combination thereof, you are welcome to share in my white privilege. Just don’t call me a scumbag for being white as an excuse to shovel more of my money to people who don’t want to exercise these white privileges.

  6. I’m no Daddy Warbucks, but a zillion different charities and causes want my money, now and later, and they’re shamelessly aggressive about it.
    The various schools I went to all went to Lefty hell since I graduated and they ain’t remotely on my radar for giving. Ever.

    Lots of schools now run by Marxists are surely discovering they’ve alienated their alumni. And like the NFL and the MSM, they’ve lost us and there’s no shortage of other better causes to donate to.

    That’s a win for MAGA. Ending all taxpayer funds for lefty majors will also go a long way toward MAGA.


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