Colleges, universities have become so “woke” that students are shifting back to technical education to learn useful skills – IOTW Report

Colleges, universities have become so “woke” that students are shifting back to technical education to learn useful skills

Newstarget: It is no longer the case that getting a college or university degree expands an individual’s horizons, offering him or her better job prospects and the hope of a better life.

Ever since far-left “wokeism” took over American education, increasingly more young people are coming to the stark realization that getting a Bachelor’s degree is certifiably useless, in many cases, because most of what students are being taught these days at Western institutions is to hate white people and to embrace communism.

The issue was discussed at the recent Axios event “Skills over Status: The Shift Toward Skills-Based Hiring,” which was held on April 19 in Washington, D.C.

At this event, Chairwoman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce Dr. Virginia Foxx discussed an effort by Congress to refocus today’s young people on technical education rather than a four-year college or university “education.”

The event panel included Gov. Wes Moore of Maryland, Sec. of Education Miguel Cardona, and Senior Vice President and General Counsel of LinkedIn Blake Lawit, all of whom spoke about the shifting American economy.

“For far too long, we have perpetuated the idea that obtaining a baccalaureate degree is the pinnacle of success,” Foxx told Campus Reform. “More and more, people are waking up to the fact that America is transitioning to a skills-based economy and skills-based programs are the key to remaining competitive in the future.” MORE

20 Comments on Colleges, universities have become so “woke” that students are shifting back to technical education to learn useful skills

  1. It’s a big, exclusive club. Many college graduates in positions of power will only hire other college graduates, regardless of how worthless they are.
    And with a “Studies,” “Literature,” or “Journalism” degree you can, with some certainty, get a job at Starbucks or McDonalds.

    Pure fucking scam – most colleges and Universities are kept afloat through extortion of the taxpayers, under the guise of “education” – from Pell Grants to funding “research” – which are promulgated by gov’t-employed alumni, of course.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Having sent children through four-year universities, I have shifted my opinion on most colleges. Sure, I can recall a handful of loony professors during my time in college, but back then most students were savvy enough to realize these people were nuts and we just parroted back what they wanted to hear in order to get the grade.

    Now, though, leftists have infiltrated the administration and made these insane views doctrine. Some major universities, including my alma mater, have imposed increasingly restrictive rules of conduct and have actually prohibited a free exchange of ideas. Instead of places of exploring and learning, many colleges are indoctrination factories and miniature fascist societies controlled by leftist zealots. A lot of the policies and rules of these institutions have no logical or factual support, so counter views are banned.

    As a final insult, universities charge enormous tuition and fees for the privilege of being indoctrinated into policies that, historically, have been proven not to work and/or are just plain crazy. A student and/or his or her family may end up in debt to the tune of 10s of thousands of dollars while being woefully incapable of surviving in the real world or being able to generate enough income to pay off that debt. I encourage many young folks to take a long, hard look as to whether or not a traditional four year college is beneficial to them – and many liberal college degrees and majors are detrimental to their futures; we do not hire anyone with a “womens’ studies” degree because they are a pain in the ass to work with and we prefer employees who exhibit common sense, open-minds and flexibility.

  3. Democracy will prevail. And true participation in democracy involves your money, or your feet.

    This ‘education’ goliath is collapsing fast from the dead weight of its corpse. What took centuries to establish may be largely extinct is a few years. Does “Harvard trained” impress you today?
    The collapse of ‘higher education’ may be what takes down the bigger corpse of our once ‘democratic republic’ and representative governments worldwide.
    Neither serves its ‘constituency’, but exists merely to satisfy itself.
    The ‘demos’ will walk and the humongous whirligig will COLLAPSE.
    It will give some of us great pleasure to watch.

  4. Unless you’re smart enough – and lucky enough – to have chosen to be taught “good engineering,” in which case you’ve embarked on a real career.

    (“Good engineering” is left as an unexplained phrase.)

  5. All of my sons took the path of rejecting modern day college. Today, they all find themselves free from student debt, not tainted by communist indoctrination and making salaries well beyond six figures along with awesome benefits. None of them ever worked in fast food to get where they are. Instead, they worked jobs that increased their knowledge and marketable skills and appreciation of hard work so they could advance. They were often the kind of hard, dirty jobs that most young people would never be willing to do but added heft to a resume. Their DD-214’s were a definite plus. They all have incredible work ethics as they show up reliably, are willing to learn, use critical thinking and give more than an honest days work and don’t complain. They all work in climate-controlled, clean, safe environments, live in decent communities and don’t have to deal with the public.

  6. My son is just there for the girls.
    With all the Soy Boys he is having a Heck of a time and getting plenty of action.

    2 Blondes & a Brunette picked him up at our house last night & took him out.
    Lucky Shit!

    When he is done & has a degree in economics, I hope to get him into Elevator repair IF does not like the Job/Work environment.

  7. Learn to weld. Experienced welders can easily earn over $100K. I make all kinds of little things for myself like shelves, etc. and people are constantly asking me to do things for them. I only do stuff for myself. I’m not good enough to do outside work, nor do I want to. One of my employees’ husbands makes about $175K, and her son is about $75K at 22 years old and no school debt. Both are self-taught welders.

  8. Plumbing, electrical, anything where you have a skill and can own your own business is the way to go. Many people with a college degree were subject with Biden’s BS covid shot mandates. It isn’t just woke colleges, it is the woke companies merged with the government that you end up employed with that are the problem.

  9. High mortgages and trade schools?
    It’s like we traveled back in time to a much more queer 1970’s!
    Meant to add, “And a shitty president, too!”

  10. Just returned from watching my daughter getting her masters and now on to her boards to get her nurse practitioner license. No debt and worked full time job while completing the degree.

    At one point when they were up on stage getting their diplomas one of the “students” came prancing away and and I thought she was drunk.

    Nope! Trannie making her grand expression of her/its wonderfulness.

    Was explained to me after the ceremonies as I didn’t know what I was looking at.


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