COLLUSION! CBS Fires Alleged ABC Robach Whistleblower – IOTW Report

COLLUSION! CBS Fires Alleged ABC Robach Whistleblower

The employee that ABC suspects of leaking the hot mic footage of Amy Robach saying she had the goods on Epstein (and the Clintons!) wasn’t working for the network any longer.

ABC saw that they were working for CBS.

CBS fired the employee.


We knew that the collective silence from the major news networks regarding Project Veritas’ bombshell video this week meant that James O’Keefe had a very eye-opening and shocking story. The video in question was leaked to Veritas by an unknown ABC News employee. It featured ABC News anchor Amy Robach venting that her network “quashed” a major news story three years ago about now-dead pervert and convicted child molester Jeffrey Epstein that would have implicated former President Bill Clinton, the British Royal family, and more.

Robach seems to imply the network stopped the story to protect the rich and the power, and to preserve access to high profile figures. It was unclear who leaked the video and if the whistleblower still worked for ABC News. Well, according to Yashar Ali, the leaker had switched jobs and was working for CBS News. That is until ABC News tracked that person down, ratted the employee out, and then had CBS News subsequently fire the whistleblower. 

Yashar reported via Twitter Wednesday night that “ABC News execs believe they know who the former employee is who accessed footage of  @arobach expressing her frustrations about her shelved Jeffrey Epstein story That former employee is now at CBS and ABC execs have reached out to CBS News execs.” 

10 Comments on COLLUSION! CBS Fires Alleged ABC Robach Whistleblower

  1. No, not “colluded” to fire some employee.

    They “conspired” to hide the facts (smells similar to “obstruction of Justice”), fire the employee, and permit a known pedophile (which, last I looked, was a criminal offense) to continue to prey on the innocent – all to protect the guilty.

    Why aren’t violations of RICO statutes being investigated?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. ABC and CBS stated that the staffer was fired for breaking Policy rules. It seems that the Policy at these two networks, at least, is to protect Pedophiles who donate to Hillary….


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