Colonel Allen West Lays Out The Case For Impeaching the President – IOTW Report

Colonel Allen West Lays Out The Case For Impeaching the President

(It’s not what you think)

7 Comments on Colonel Allen West Lays Out The Case For Impeaching the President

  1. I get his point. And I think the Lt Col is correct. But it will never happen. And i love Allen West. Gave to his campaign years back. Met him at cpac.

    I don’t know why he is no longer visible or prominent on the stage.

  2. another election and a few convictions and the threat to the republic will drop drastically. Things will simmer down.

    I had heard a guy prophesy this a couple months back that obomba would be stripped of his presidency but i didnt know about impeaching a former president. I hoped he would be convicted of criminal acts.


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