Color Me Fed Up – IOTW Report

Color Me Fed Up

Free Beacon-

“Gender Unicorns” that kids can color in to express their “gender identity” are now being distributed in schools across the country.


A transgender advocacy group is providing schools with the cartoon of a purple unicorn who appears to be thinking about the LGBT rainbow, causing outrage from parents. One district in North Carolina was met withprotests after it used the “Gender Unicorn” in its faculty training.

The group, Trans Student Educational Resources, says the Gender Unicorn is an upgrade from the “Genderbread Person,” another cartoon graphic about gender identity targeting children.

The organization offers definitions for “gender identity,” “gender expression/presentation,” “sex assigned at birth,” “sexually attracted to,” and “romantically attracted to” on its informational page on the Gender Unicorn.


6 Comments on Color Me Fed Up

  1. Re: Color me mentally ill “Let’s build a huge building and put all these people in it.
    We’ll call it an insane asylum.

    If we called it the “Obama LBGTXYZ National Fun Center and Presidential Library” – instead of cells to house the patients, it can have “safe spaces” for the “trans-sane involuntary inhabitants,” we could probably convince them to pay us for keeping them in there.

  2. These weirdos are trolling for future homosexuals. If they can identify them early and nurture them they’ll be fun boy and girls to enlist into NAMBLA and whatever the corresponding lesbo outfit is called.

    Homeschooling anyone? If I had a child and got wind of anything like this my kid would be outta there instantly

  3. In “The Lifestyle” a unicorn is a single woman who enjoys sexual play with a couple.
    Called unicorns cause they are rare and hard to find.
    A Rino is a horny male who will lie, cheat and pay for play with anything.
    Which one do you think there are more of?

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  1. Gender Unicorn Has a Cousin

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