Colorado: 14 year old girl forced to apologize and give a hug to her accused rapist – IOTW Report

Colorado: 14 year old girl forced to apologize and give a hug to her accused rapist

AURORA  Sentinel| When a 14-year-old Prairie Middle School student told school officials that a social studies teacher was sexually abusing her, some of the school’s administrators and a counselor had their doubts.

And instead of telling local police about the accusations against Brian Vasquez, as required by state law, Arapahoe County prosecutors say the trio of administrators launched their own investigation.

That school-lead investigation included questioning the student with Vasquez present and repeatedly telling her that her accusations could ruin Vasquez’s family and career. They also told the girl Vasquez was a “valued teacher.”

After all that, prosecutors say the girl retracted her claims — despite the fact that investigators now say Vasquez had sexually abused that girl and several others over a four-year stretch.

School administrators eventually suspended the girl for what they deemed were false allegations. First, however, they made her apologize to Vasquez. And give him a hug.  read more

22 Comments on Colorado: 14 year old girl forced to apologize and give a hug to her accused rapist

  1. Stuff like this was typical in Arapahoe county schools back when I lived there. The system was liberal and so were its keepers. At our school, we had a black woman elementary school teacher who favored the boys. And rumor was, she reaaally favored them. Very rude and nasty to the girls her classes but was always touchy feely with the boys. Damn near looking at them like she was star-struck. Same thing with the music teacher. That place always gave me the creeps. People were so ‘off’ in that neck of the woods. *shudder*

  2. Forgot to add: There were complaints about the black teacher, but they got swept under the rug because she was black and we couldn’t have a black woman getting accused of anything. Even if the students themselves accusing her were black. So gross.

  3. During the initial complaint in the story, WHERE THE HELL WERE THE FRIGGIN’ PARENTS??? I would have had the cops on this guy in a heartbeat. As for the “valued teacher”, a chainsaw enema would be waiting for him when he is paroled.


    ✨ Child neglect including: bruises, malnutrition, bad teeth, un-combed hair, ratty clothes (repeated and extreme conditions of course)
    ✨ Sexual abuse
    ✨ Emotional abuse
    ✨ Substance abuse in young children

    All education staff are to report and cover their ass. They may not ever have anything to do with it after that as it goes to councilors and administration staff.

    These people CLEARLY way out-of-bounds here.

  5. @ MJA, apparently that district is a vortex of evil or something. Commenter Deb Geldart :
    The list of CCSD sex assaults, scandals and cover ups is growing by leaps and bounds. In the last 12 months alone, we have seen multiple schools in the news: Prairie Middle for multiple sex assaults, Fox Ridge Middle for porn in digital databases, Eaglecrest High where the counseling staff apparently covered up a “sextortion” scandal, Grandview where parents were kept in the dark about sex assaults, Sky Vista where radical, outside speakers were allowed access to students without parental disclosure, and of course the tragedy at Sunrise, an elementary school exposed as streaming “Thirteen Reasons Why” into the K – 5 online, children’s library. Are the librarians brain dead? Is there any oversight at all? Every CCSD Administrator, and every CCSD Board Member needs to be held accountable for the deterioration of the District’s standards and reputation, for their dishonesty with the community, and for damaging the property value of taxpayers who rely on the quality of the CCSD’s reputation. Do Colorado parents know about the ongoing “EBSCO Porn” scandal? The CCSD spent a year issuing misinformation to cover up the scandal – but it’s been widely exposed now, and schools all across Colorado are streaming porn and sex ads into taxpayer sponsored, digital “homework” resources – just google “EBSCO Porn” for more information, or see the National Center on Sexual Exploitation which named the database providers to their “Dirty Dozen” registry as contributors to the sexual exploitation of children. The community needs to stand up to these growing assaults on our children.

  6. It takes a village to propurly raze your chillrun. Don’t for one minute believe we are running it like a school in some shithole country. We get our darektions from the Dept of Educashen which was greatly empowered during the brickin frilliant Administration of the smartest, scandal-free Preezedunce. —your authoratarian overpaid Skewel Bored.

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