Colorado City Council Decides Young Girls Can Now Walk Topless In Public – IOTW Report

Colorado City Council Decides Young Girls Can Now Walk Topless In Public

Raise your hand if you think it’s wise to have young girls walking around topless. Put your hand down Epstein.

And no, I’m not thinking about just the old man perverts (although that is a problem), I’m wondering how the young boys will react to seeing girls their age walking around nude. (Note to the left- we’re not Europe.)


Following a ‘Free the Nipple’ campaign in Fort Collins, Colorado, feminists have won a victory allowing women–and girls as young as eleven–to be bare-breasted in public.

After a three-year lawsuit, activists have won a case where a topless ban from city law has been removed by Fort Collins City Council.

The removal of the law will allow girls as young as eleven to legally walk around the city topless, costing the city over $320,000 in fees.

On the ‘Free the Nipple’ movement, Pluralist adds:

Free the Nipple feminism

Spearheaded by feminists, the sex-positivity movement has gone well beyond combatting “slut shaming” to celebrating overt displays of female sexuality. And in the culture at large, celebrities such as twerk superstars Iggy Azalea and Cardi B exhort women to celebrate their raunchiness as a form of liberation and empowerment.

However, conservative critics have bemoaned the weakening of traditional gender norms, including female modesty. And some feminists have agreed, warning that their lascivious counterparts are playing into the hands of the patriarchy.


46 Comments on Colorado City Council Decides Young Girls Can Now Walk Topless In Public

  1. …in an unrelated story, Bill Clinton plans to campaign HEAVILY for any Democrat Presidential candidate in Colorado and is looking for a house to rent there as we speak, to make sure he locks down those all-important 9 electoral votes…

  2. You can bet that the only “wymyn” that exercise this new freedom will be sea cows that most of us would not want to look at clothed much less sagging in the breeze…..
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  3. …also, regardless of what the lawsuit says, do these 11-18 year old girls have PARENTS? Why the HELL would THEY permit it, REGARDLESS of what City law says?

    …although it wouldn’t surprise me if they didn’t find some “Children’s Hospital” to say that it hurts young girls’ psyches if parents DON’T let them walk around topless, and is therefore child abuse…

  4. Crackerbaby
    SEPTEMBER 20, 2019 AT 7:34 AM
    “You can bet that the only “wymyn” that exercise this new freedom will be sea cows that most of us would not want to look at clothed much less sagging in the breeze…..”

    …AND “Trans” mutilated men, @Crackerbaby, wanting to show off those surgical scars that YOU were forced to help pay for…

  5. A question.

    If someone photographs the little girls going topless, and posts that to an online account, would it be child porn under Federal statutes?

    Seems like school kids have gotten themselves in trouble over “sexting” photo’s on their smart phones, so would this be any different?

  6. this will not end well. NOT a good idea. I’m guessing (hoping)few young girls end up doing this.

    I am, however, heartily in favor of the blue haired ham planet liberal nutjob females walking around topless, that will only help the conservative movement.

  7. I remember quite a few years back Ontario (Canada) passed a similar law. Was at my cousins and his son and his buddies were going to drive across the bridge (to Canada) and go to the beach. They came back many hours later and very disappointed. The only boobs they saw were old men who should have kept their shirts on. Immoral laws won’t necessarily produce immoral behavior. Should help weed out the idiots and feminists.

  8. I’m curious what the Feminist take on this is.
    Most of those angry old hens do not have attractive bodies.
    Most of those angry old hens are jealous of attractive women.
    Dammed if you do / dammed if you don’t.
    (side note) This will increase sexual assault by Islamo fanatics and illegal gang banger’s by ten fold.

  9. Most young kids are extremely self conscience and girls especially. If the pervs were hoping to strike gold they’ll be disappointed.

    What kind of fucking assholes are on the city council there?
    I suggest e-mail bombing

  10. Another step toward normalizing pedophilia. Allow young girls to go around topless. Convince the public that children should have “control” over their bodies and be able to choose their own gender. How far of a leap is it from those two to telling people that children should be allowed to choose who they “love”?

  11. “The removal of the law will allow girls as young as eleven to legally walk around the city topless, costing the city over $320,000 in fees.”

    Does Ft. Collins charge fees for training bras?

  12. Yeah, in times past Fort Collins was famous for time standard broadcast for National Institute of Standards. But now migrating to being known for low standards. However, I expect participation will be low January ~ March.

  13. The law is absurd but shouldn’t matter in the least. Parents ought to have enough common sense to take care of their daughters. I mean…it’s like vaping. Instead of outlawing everything under the sun…PARENT YOUR KIDS.

  14. This would be much better if it were to be made “manditory” for ALL women. Regardless of age , race, religion, of ethnicity. Those who did not remove their tops would be subject to fines or jail time. It would not be long before the town was inhabited only by law abiding Christians, as Muslims would have to move or go to hell.


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