Colorado: Democrat Governor signs bill banning free speech zones – IOTW Report

Colorado: Democrat Governor signs bill banning free speech zones


RedAlertPolitics: On Tuesday, Governor John Hickenlooper (D-CO) officially signed into law a bill prohibiting public universities from restricting student expression to designated “free speech zones” on campus.

Under Senate Bill 62, Colorado universities are no longer able to sanction or restrict certain types of speech on campus, and students now have the option to sue their school if they feel their First Amendment rights have been infringed upon. Such lawsuits would allow students to recover their attorney’s fees and related litigation costs, but does not allow them to obtain monetary damages for such violations.
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11 Comments on Colorado: Democrat Governor signs bill banning free speech zones

  1. That’s all fine and good, I like that there is provision prohibiting disruption of speech activities, but as always, there’s the infernal provision making sure first and foremost that lawyers get their fat fees.

  2. Don’t get too excited until we see if the free speech is real or just wrapping paper on a box of dog doodoo.
    Will law enforcement really protect conservatives?
    Or stand by and watch Leftist thugs attack peaceful conservatives?

  3. The Dems here in CO have a newish tactic. First pass a law that prohibits something already protected against. Later, repeal that law or get it found unconstitutional. Step two leaves the impression that whatever was addressed in step one is now permissible.
    That’s the long path taken to legalize weed, and why that legalization is in the form of an amendment to the CO Constitution.

  4. Hickenlooper is a bizarre dude. There are normal people in Colorado outside of Boulder and most parts of Denver. Boulder is quite the charming town but the denizens are f’n weapons grade deranged.

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