Colorado: Hickenlooper Blames His Ethics Violations on Republicans – IOTW Report

Colorado: Hickenlooper Blames His Ethics Violations on Republicans

WFB: Former Colorado governor John Hickenlooper characterized his conviction on ethics violations as Republican “smear attacks” during a primary debate Tuesday night.

Hickenlooper was found guilty by the Colorado Independent Ethics Commission last Friday of twice accepting free luxury travel from business interests while he was governor. The five-member panel also voted unanimously to hold him in contempt for initially defying a subpoena to appear at the hearing.

“These allegations were waged by a dark-money Republican group and they’re going to lay attacks and millions of dollars of smear ads against whoever the Democratic candidate is,” said Hickenlooper said in response to a call from his opponent, former Democratic Colorado House speaker Andrew Romanoff, that he drop out of the race. more

14 Comments on Colorado: Hickenlooper Blames His Ethics Violations on Republicans

  1. democRATz: No ethics, morals, scruples, standards or personal responsibility. Just Ratz gnawing away at the fabric of our society!
    “Vote for us to destroy America or we will destroy America!”
    “Heads we win, tails you lose!” while playing with the proverbial double-headed quarter… cuz Ratz never play fair!

  2. Hickenlooper really exposed himself during his attempt to get the Dementiacrat Party’s nomination. He’d be easier to beat than the person who actually has the support of the more progressive faction: Andrew Romanoff. In last night’s debate, Hickenlooper said that he believes Tara Reade, but he’s still going to vote for “Fingers” Biden. What a man!

  3. He was also invited and attended the Bidergerg meeting. Why was he invited there? Because he was thinking of running for President and he needed some vetting and training….This ‘Howdy Doody” motherfucker needs his political career to end. Two terms of mayor of Denver and two terms as Colorado’s governor have wrought enough damage, he should be squashed like the bug that he is. Unfortunately D) Andrew Romanof or R) Cory Gardner will continue the stench…
    This ain’t new and it started with eastern liberal Dick Lamb as Governor in the 70’s. Then the influx of the west and east coast liberals that shit their nest and moved to Colorado, all bringing their stupid fucked up values. They indoctrinated the school system. I’m a 4th generation Coloradan that now lives in Kansas. My sister and nieces are irreparable liberals. There is no hope for Colorado….

    Yeah, I’ll be forever pissed off about what happened to Colorado, but the middle of everywhere Kansas seems to fit my mood now….

  4. willys, sounds like you and me have equal contempt for this POS. Remember when he was mayor how he quashed reporting any of the after hour wilding attacks by knee-grows along and just off the 16 ST Mall? yeah keep them white unsuspecting, what a prick.

    Every day him running the city with that bullshit benign smile was another day I couldn’t believe what had happened to Denver. When I moved there District 1 had a Republican Congressman!

    And sadly no matter who wins CO gets fucked again. At least Gardener keeps his inner NeverTrump under wraps but talk about a fucked smile, he’s got the winner.

    AR suits me now perfectly. My friends back in CO are not happy campers.

  5. Yeah MMinAR….My good friends back in Colorado are and have been sick of the transformation of Colorado. They all vote conservative and always will but somehow are outnumbered….indoctrinated assholes win in the end. My friends have carved out nice lifestyles and live in gorgeous surroundings so they ain’t leaving Colorado….Let’s face it, there isn’t better weather in America to live in then Colorado. I just couldn’t stand the traffic and attitudes anymore….If I don’t pick up my mail at the post office for a couple of days, someone calls me to see if I’m alright. THAT’S the America I want to live in….come on by for a beer!….LOL

  6. willys when I lived in CO, yep the climate was perfect(well not Hawaii perfect) and I’ve been all over & not just this country either. But living in w Texas I sure got used to winters in 50s-60s. Sure I missed boarding but being able to get out in the middle of Jan for a couple sets or a nice bike ride is pretty cool.

    Now the summers…ahem.

    So I decided to dial down the heat in the summer and settled for the Ozarks and gotta say, it is rip roaring beautiful, greener then almost anywhere I’ve ever seen.

    Ask me if I miss the likes of Polis. Every time I go back, my friends bitch from morning to night about CO. seriously, I get sick of listening.


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