Colorado’s Gov. Jared Polis’ 100% Renewable Energy Pledge Based on ‘Magical Thinking,’ Will Cost Millions of Jobs – IOTW Report

Colorado’s Gov. Jared Polis’ 100% Renewable Energy Pledge Based on ‘Magical Thinking,’ Will Cost Millions of Jobs

WFB: More than half of U.S. states have enacted legislation requiring a certain percentage of renewable energy consumption by varying deadlines, a move scientists argue is unwise and not based on sound data.

Colorado’s Gov. Jared Polis pledged to transition his state to 100 percent renewable energy by 2040 – a move that follows a 2017 bill he introduced in Congress. The 100 by ‘50 Act proposed a “complete transition off of fossil fuels for the United States.”

Polis argued that for the U.S. to remain a global economic leader, it “must invest in renewable energy technology and fully embrace a cleaner, carbon-free future.” He added, “The ‘100 by ‘50 Act’ outlines practical steps the federal government can take to create good-paying jobs across the United States while protecting our planet and our health.”

In his State of the State address, Polis pledged to “compensate” Colorado’s $31 billion oil and gas industry and its workers during the state’s transition to renewable energy. He did not specify what kind of compensation, how much, or who would pay for it.

However, numerous critics argue that the basis for Polis’ bill and vision is based on what they say is a flawed report produced by Stanford University professor Mark Jacobson called “Roadmaps.”

More than 20 scientists published a paper in the “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,” arguing there were “significant shortcomings” and “errors, inappropriate methods, and implausible assumptions” in Jacobson’s work.

Additionally, Carnegie Mellon University researchers stated that Jacobson and his co-authors “do not present sufficient analysis to demonstrate the technical, economic, and social feasibility of their proposed strategy.”  MORE HERE

31 Comments on Colorado’s Gov. Jared Polis’ 100% Renewable Energy Pledge Based on ‘Magical Thinking,’ Will Cost Millions of Jobs

  1. This is why we left CO in 2016 when we saw the writing on the wall and knew 2018 was going to be the final blue sweep to put the final nail in coffin. A beautiful state destroyed.

  2. Man, they are on drugs out there. Don’t worry folks, my idiot politicians here in Connecticut are fallin all over each other to out Socialist (Commie) themselves. We’ll catch up soon.

  3. 4th generation Coloradoan….3rd generation Deverite….I got about 4 chunks of relatives still there, maybe 20 good friends. Most good friends are too old to leave…..4th year in Kansas and I don’t drive back. It’s sad in so many ways yet they made the nest that they live in and seem to like….Cross Colorado off of the purple list, just make it blue and blame the Denver metro area/north to wyoming and the I-70 corridor to Vail/Aspen….
    People bitch about the plastic garbage land mass in the Pacific, but if they ever saw or could realize what they did to individual states or multiple states, I would think they might vomit. They ain’t that smart though…

  4. @ Lifes a lot tougher if your stupid….What part of Wyoming?….It’s coming to you, hell, it’s been there. You live near Jackson/Cody…west of Sheridan?….you either got a bunch of money or you’re willing to put up with wind. The best parts of Wyoming and Montana were destroyed by Hollywood fellers years ago…

  5. @ .45-70….Yeah, who needed too?…or do you got some secret knowledge?….Green River is special late at night at a truck stop next to the state mental hospital….Don’t hold back your stories!!!!…

  6. Burning trees to make steam/electricity is 100% renewable. Maybe more! It generates CO2 from the combustion process, which we all know is tree food, so it may well be the greenest process we have.

  7. @willysgoat, any part of WY is better. Currently in Cheyenne which is 50/50. Very nice folks, very patriotic. But lots of State employees and small-town minds who don’t get out enough to know just how far most of the country has fallen.

    I had to take my daughter to DIA and couldn’t wait to get back here. Wind is not a problem, it blows the trash away. Folks don’t litter here. 😉

    I drove through KS a few times and liked what I saw. How’s it treating you?

  8. Hey Lowell, learn how many pollutants, real ones, are released from burning wood.
    Then learn some Physics and then about nuclear power.

    On a small scale, burning wood, or better, gasifying it to power a diesel motor, works well, but know that Rudolph Diesel was drowned by the big boys for trying to take their customers off their inefficient distribution grid.

  9. OK….I’m Going Bad_Brad….sorry….My Dad sold carpet and Mattresses in the early sixties in Northern Colorado, Wyoming, and Montana….no bass fishing involved….sorry….
    He developed a great friendship with a guy named Frank Solazi who sold furniture and appliances to Injuns (Sioux/Blackfeet/Crow) west of Billings Montana even though they didn’t have electricity….still no bass fishing…
    So I’ll cut to the chase….Frank was offered the first Coors beer franchise in Montana and wanted my Dad to be his 50% partner….My Mom shut it all down because she didn’t want to live in the retarded mess of Montana….The moral of the story is that if my Dad had done the deal, I’d be bass fishing now….Maybe parrot bass in Uruguay….That’s not true I’d be eaten’ shrimps on Barbie in Aukland….100% true

  10. Aaron…. My Mom said that back in like 1962ish….If I was younger I’d be looking next to the Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories…..It’s always been on my radar should I get a felony issue. I can’t run anymore so the polar bear/Brown bear thing could be troubling…..

  11. @.45-70….you betcha, big lakers, Dolly Varden trout….hell, Dolly Verners trout surprise….you know how she wears her hose….the last time I saw them, they were on MY head….I put two oranges in the leggings and declared myself the state insect… bailed me out dontcha know?

  12. Colorado in transition:
    1874 – Alferd Packer (Cannibal)
    2019 – Fudge Packer, ie: Jared Polis (Meat Sword Specialist & new Governor)

    The Californication of Colorado is complete.

  13. @Life is alot tougher if you’re stupid . You best put up a wall and start vetting. They’re coming this way and you want to screen out the dregs. You’re the first line of defense

  14. I’m just surprised. Been skiing or hunting all my life in the West. But that’s not the same as living full time there. I just assumed everything was cool because I always had such hassle free times.

    Montana… the parts I’ve seen, always looked so…. I dunno’. Marlboro man-ish. Like, it’s the place to go for big game hunting trophies and other manly junk.

    In Arizona the normal places are outvoted by Phoenix. But it’s just Phoenix and Tucson. We used to have the majority over them but now they outgun us by like 600 thousand votes.

    But the rest of the state is still pretty cool. You guys talk about Colorado and Montana being completely over run. If that’s the case… wow. We fugged up letting those places get out of hand.

    Guess I’ll be taking my business to…gah… Utah.

  15. You think this is bad…look at what the fudge-packer is doing to the children:
    Dear Colorado Believers,

    The LGBTQ agenda is full-steam ahead in Colorado after the last election. I just got an email about a bill that has been introduced in the Colorado House of Representatives (HB19 1032). If passed, it would require our public schools and charter schools to instruct children in homosexual and lesbian sex, including graphic “how-to” information and indoctrination into accepting this sinful behavior as normal. There is a committee hearing next week on Wednesday, January 30, at 1:30 p.m. up at the Capitol in Denver, and we must respond to this evil proposal.

    We are asking everyone to (1) pray; (2) contact their state senator and representative and the committee members and voice opposition to this bill (the contact information for the committee members is listed below); (3) share this information with all their contacts and tell them to do the same; and (4) consider volunteering to testify at the committee hearing (or at least attending the hearing).

    Please prayerfully consider taking action against this evil. This is an opportunity to stand for what is right. You can find the email I received below.

    Here are the details you can pass along to others:

    We MUST MAKE OUR VOICE HEARD in order to stop this piece of legislation. HERE ARE AT LEAST FOUR WAYS TO TAKE ACTION:

    1) Pray for the committee hearing scheduled for 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 30.

    2) Contact the House Committee members, either by phone or email (see below).

    3) Reach out to your network, asking your friends and family to email or call their Colorado state representatives who are on the committee (or their own state rep, if that person is not on the committee).

    4) Consider volunteering to testify or attending the hearing. Debbie Chaves at Colorado Family Action is organizing the testimony ofthose in opposition. Please contact Debbie at are usually given no more than two to three minutes at the microphone. The House committee is responsible for this bill and the content of the bill that will become law. Please contact Debbie Chaves directly if you would like to testify.

    Here is a summary of the KEY FEATURES OF THIS HORRIBLE BILL:

    The proposed legislation is HB19-1032, “Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education.” Here is link to the actual wording of the Bill: HB19-1032.

    It would require children in local public and charter schools to learn the sex practices of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals.

    Under HB19-1032, not only would explicit acts be described to your kids, but gender norms and gender stereotypes, like male and female, would be prohibited.

    It forbids teachers to endorse “religious or sectarian” views while LGBTQ ideology would be required. It’s not fair to criticize and prohibit one ideology and then replace it with another ideology. Sexuality education should be focused primarily on reproduction–how humans reproduce–as part of a bio-science curriculum and educating students on the very real and very serious medical dangers of engaging in sexual activities outside of a lifetime monogamous relationship (sexual monogamy refers to two partners remaining sexually exclusive with each other and having no outside sex partners).

    In this proposed bill, Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education cannot be waived by charter schools.

    This bill is anti-choice and anti-charter school.

    This bill secures complete government control over the subject of Sex Education. That should bother everyone.

    It’s time for Colorado parents to unite and tell our state legislators to back off our kids and keep their radical ideology out of Colorado classrooms!

    HB19-1032 will be heard Wednesday, January 30, at 1:30 p.m. in the House Health and Insurance Committee Room (HCR 0107).

    Sorry to say, Colorado is beyond f**ked!

  16. Colorado is exhibit ‘A’ as to why no state should allow California democrats to relocate. They run from the disasters they created then create disasters where they ran to.

  17. I love Wyoming, Raised my daughter (and her horses) there. Always thought I would retire in Centennial. Hated Commierado. Now I live next to the cesspool called Missoula.

  18. May the God come down on this state of filth as soon as we leave. No reason to stay here now. Evil is swimming and if one can’t feel it, they have no emotions left. The experiment is complete.

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