Colorado’s Saguache County Adopts ‘Emergency Regulations’ Allowing Warrantless Entry – IOTW Report

Colorado’s Saguache County Adopts ‘Emergency Regulations’ Allowing Warrantless Entry


Colorado’s Saguache County approves measures in case of ‘Emergency’, that allow warrantless entry into households and prevent the sale of guns and ammo.

The Archvalley Voice reports:

On Tuesday, September 21, the Saguache Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) unanimously approved and adopted a new resolution titled; “Civil Emergency, Emergency, or Local Disaster Regulations” Resolution #2021-07.

These new regulations define the duties and powers of the Chair of the BoCC, spending authorities, spending limits, the succession of authority, government continuity of operations, and alternative meeting locations for the BoCC – during a County Declared Disaster. MORE

35 Comments on Colorado’s Saguache County Adopts ‘Emergency Regulations’ Allowing Warrantless Entry

  1. Amendment 4
    – Protection from Unreasonable Searches and Seizures

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.

    So I guess the Bill of Rights was just a suggestion then?

    F#%K Joe Biden and them too!

  2. Yeah, I would totally do defend my constitutional rights against this totalitarian government, but the Buccaneers are playing the patriots tonight.

  3. We’ll see what the Deep State does when the body count starts going up in the wrong demographic (the enforcement arm).

    Consider at that juncture that the response from the public will be initially reactive. Came you imagine when things go proactive?

    You”ll see a war you won’t fucking believe.

    Brad, you need to get your ass to Wyoming.

  4. It get worse, concentration camp?
    (3)An order controlling, restricting, allocating or regulating the use, sale,
    production or distribution of food, water, clothing, and other commodities,
    materials, goods, services, and resources.

    16 – allows County to accept gifts from non-profits and private organizations

    And why does a town of 480 people have an 8,000 foot runway?
    Something smells like Biden.

  5. Good one Tony R. That was one funny movie. Not so funny now that it’s a reality with “American” communists yelling it.

    Sic Semper Tyrannis!….and F#%k Joe Biden!

  6. @Brown Eyed Girl OCTOBER 4, 2021 AT 1:04 AM
    Where the hell was their district attorney when all this was going on, or did he support it?

    … Counting his campaign contributions and offshore bank account from soros et al!

  7. Funny thing about CO; Places like Denver, seat of government(more like ass of gov., but whatever) Aspen, where the R & F go, a few other places, mostly in ski country, are liberal strongholds.
    Get out in what used to be coal and oil country, you still see a LOT of Trump signs.
    Kinda like N & S Californika

  8. I hunted elk in the adjoining county in Colorado for many years. There is virtually nothing there but mountains. ShakeNbake is right! This is a test run. If there aren’t massive protests, and there won’t be because there is virtually nobody there, this will quietly and slowly spread to other counties and then to other states. People from everywhere should protest this power grab and let the county officials know it would be in their best interest to reverse this BS. If they don’t, I would support much more drastic measures to stop it. MUCH MORE DRASTIC! This cannot stand.

  9. Classic banana republic. Call an “emergency”. Shit on the constitution. I hope the local cops flip the bird to these prog assholes. After all, it’s them who’ll have to be the tip of the spear for this completely illegal end run around the 4th amendment. I doubt they want to get in shootouts with otherwise law abiding people over something that is clearly going to be overturned in SCOTUS.

  10. @TheMule – I agree that the local cops should give the tyrants the bird and refuse to take any if those unconstitutional actions. But I don’t have much faith that they would. Look what’s happening in Australia.

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