Columbia Student in Viral Video Refuses to Cower Before Liberal Mob – Won’t Apologize For Being White – IOTW Report

Columbia Student in Viral Video Refuses to Cower Before Liberal Mob – Won’t Apologize For Being White


CNN went after him, he has been doxed and is now being threatened.

“I was attacked for my race,” von Abele said. “I was just done apologizing for who I am.”

The physics genius explained that he isn’t racist — he is just sick of being told that white men should sit down and shut up — basically.

“I am not a white supremacist or racist, nor do I subscribe to any views that support that ideology. I unequivocally denounce all groups that support racism,” he stated. “My reaction that evening grew out of my distaste for the overuse of the term ‘white privilege’ and similar divisive rhetoric as a means of dismissing views of others.”

“I believe that every single person should love themselves and love their culture, and we should all be allowed to be proud of our heritage,” he explained. “As such, I would like to have my views be fairly considered in the public discourse, and not dismissed solely due to my race and gender.”

more with video

ht/ jerry manderin

16 Comments on Columbia Student in Viral Video Refuses to Cower Before Liberal Mob – Won’t Apologize For Being White

  1. The lefty communists are trying to start a race war so they can create chaos that we need to be “saved” from by some dictator-type entity. One of the reasons the globalists want open borders in the US to dilute American citizens with foreign thugs. (Witness the UN/foreign troops moving into Paris today).

    Also, trying to make white males and Christians more vulnerable and unable to protect themselves so they can achieve item 1 above.

  2. I do not let the mentally ill Orwellian Leftists chose my vocabulary, nor do I apologize to them for their mental illnesses.

    We should all follow this students example and tell the mob to eff off and get some mental counseling. Live and let live.

  3. “…he has been doxed and is now being threatened.”

    Of course the has. This is an outstanding example of precisely why the left wants to restrict access to semi-auto carbines and 20 & 30 round magazines.

  4. Universities are traps.

    They exist to ferret out heretics, lower their grades, and make them less employable.

    I KNOW. I got a degree in a very liberal program, and got a few “C”s because I wouldn’t carry water for the homosexual agenda.

    When I went for a job, they suddenly wanted those with high GPAs as an excuse not to hire me even though I had years of quality experience.


  5. “The lefty communists are trying to start a race war so they can create chaos that we need to be “saved” from by some dictator-type entity.”

    They wouldn’t last 5 minutes. The Republican Guards of Iraq put up more a fight than they will, if the flag ever goes up. 🙄


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