Come On Gloria, Let The Experts Have A Look – IOTW Report

Come On Gloria, Let The Experts Have A Look

Roy Moore’s attorney, Phillip Jauregui, has challenged accuser Beverly Young Nelson to submit the only collaborating piece of evidence to her charges of sexual assault; the year book with the purported signature of the accused, Judge Roy Moore.

Nelson’s attorney, Gloria Allred, has stated they will do so “as long as the Senate Judiciary Committee or the Senate Ethics Committee convene a hearing in the next two weeks and subpoena Moore.”


This guy, who isn’t a handwriting expert, claims the signature matches Moore’s Here

The Gateway Pundit finds numerous inconsistencies that suggest it’s a fake Here

I’m no expert, but even I can see “Olde Hickery House” is in a different hand, most likely a women’s.

16 Comments on Come On Gloria, Let The Experts Have A Look

  1. If Gloria Allred had anything of value, she would immediately agree, Instead she is insisting upon a bunch of idiotic preconditions. She should lose her law license over this one! She is definitely being part of the problem.

    When this whole thing is over, Sen. Moore Should sue her for a fortune and the forfeit of her law license

  2. This is bullshit. If there were a key piece of evidence in question, the police would sure as hell check it out before going to the prosecutor with it. Why the fuck does there need to be a senate inquiry before the evidence is checked out? They just want to get Moore under oath and ask him a bunch of humiliating questions to make him look bad (which isn’t much of a challenge after admitting you dated high school girls when you were a 32 year old lawyer). Then they’ll bury the fact if the yearbook is a forgery.

  3. Looks like it said “Ray” to me. Gloria even said slipped up and said “Ray”. Anybody peruse the yearbook to see if there’s a guy named Ray who worked with her, or went to school with her? I guess he’s already been co-opted by Gloria if he does exist.

  4. The ‘y’ in signature doesn’t match text. The ‘m’ is different. Just pull back and look, two or possible 3 different writers. The ink line is much finer in text than signature.

  5. I heard today the DA isn’t for district attorney, he was only a deputy at this time. Rather Moore had an assistant that signed his name with her initials after to represent she signed and they were DA. This year book BS might have been inspired by the divorce documents were the DA appeared. So the ‘victim’ screwed up using her divorce docs to forge the yearbook.

  6. Used to be Old Hickory BBQ restaurants everywhere in the South. Everybody knows it was “Old Hickory”, not “Olde Hickory”. Except for whichever dumbass Yankee or West Coaster phonied up the inscription. Southerners leave out letters when they misspell, carpetbagger.

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