Come to Sunny Cuba, Leave With a Mysterious Illness – IOTW Report

Come to Sunny Cuba, Leave With a Mysterious Illness

FPM: Could this finally be the unified field theory that explains Michael Moore? Come to think of it, Sean Penn spent time in Cuba. Cognitive difficulties are part of the packaged tour as the attacks that caused mysterious symptoms in American diplomats have spread to the civilian population. Come to sunny Cuba and you may just leave with more than you bargained.

Nineteen American citizens have reported symptoms similar to those suffered by U.S. diplomats who had been identified as victims of alleged attacks in Cuba.

“Since September 29, the Department of State has been contacted by 19 U.S. citizens who reported experiencing symptoms similar to those listed in the Travel Warning after visiting Cuba,” a spokesperson for the State Department’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs told the Miami Herald in an email.

“We continue to urge U.S. citizens to reconsider travel to Cuba,” she added.

But it’s got socialized medicine, child prostitution and cholera. What more could you ask for except life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?  more

13 Comments on Come to Sunny Cuba, Leave With a Mysterious Illness

  1. It’s probably some Russian sonic weapon being field tested in their favorite satellite country. They use Cuba like kleenex to exploit the population and to surreptitiously attack the U.S.
    Why would anyone vacation there unless they had a subconscious wish to be infested with parasites?

  2. I’m with the OG (organgrinder) on the sonic weapon idea.
    Hey, ain’t Cuba in the Devil’s Triangle?
    Its the Aliens, playing that crap they call music.
    That shit will rot your brain.

  3. Neurologists have credibly theorized that the “sonic illness” is likely mass hysteria. Given that the diplomats who claim to be affected are probably all Democrats, as are the tourists who are idiotic enough to go there, I’m deferring to the experts.

  4. Well I can’t talk about that place and is a shit hole , plus the Castro will killed and do shit like this .michael Moore, Sean penn both socialist communist bitch Michael Moore doesn’t know what is taking about that fat bitch need to move to Cuba.

  5. Hmmm … swim in the Septic Tank or vacation in Cuba … hmmm … decisions, decisions …

    Hmmm … hit my thumb really hard with a 16 oz hammer or vacation in Cuba … hmmm … decisions, decisions …

    Hmmm … stick a pine cone up my butt or vacation in Cuba … hmmm … decisions, decisions …

    Hmmm … jam a fork in my eye or vacation in Cuba … hmmm … decisions, decisions …

    izlamo delenda est …

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