Come Together – IOTW Report

Come Together

John and Paul had a group tug.

JS sent me a TMI story, and if I hadda read it you’re gonna read it.


“What it was,” he explains after I have prompted him, “was over at John’s house, and it was just a group of us. And instead of just getting roaring drunk and partying—I don’t even know if we were staying over or anything—we were all just in these chairs, and the lights were out, and somebody started masturbating, so we all did.”

There would be about five of them: McCartney, Lennon, and maybe three of Lennon’s friends. As they each concentrated on their mission, anyone in the group was encouraged to shout out a name that would offer relevant inspiration.

“We were just, ‘Brigitte Bardot!’ ‘Whoo!'” McCartney says, “and then everyone would thrash a bit more.”

At least until one of them—the one you would perhaps expect—opted for disruption over stimulation.

“I think it was John sort of said, ‘Winston Churchill!'” McCartney remembers, and acts out the aghast, stymied reactions.

I ask whether this ritual took place often.

“I think it was a one-off,” McCartney replies. “Or maybe it was like a two-off. It wasn’t a big thing. But, you know, it was just the kind of thing you didn’t think much of. It was just a group. Yeah, it’s quite raunchy when you think about it. There’s so many things like that from when you’re a kid that you look back on and you’re, ‘Did we do that?’ But it was good harmless fun. It didn’t hurt anyone. Not even Brigitte Bardot.”


All Together Now

Any Time At All

Two of Us


I Call Your Name

I Don’t Want To Spoil the Party

With a Little Help From My Friends


Please Please Me

Tell Me What You See

Twist and Shout

We Can Work It Out


You Really Got a Hold on Me

are just some of the songs that I will never hear the same again.






45 Comments on Come Together

  1. And now I have to run across the universe, through the strawberry fields, over to spotify to delete some songs because I just imagined Paul McCartney and I’ve just seen an O face.
    Ugh. So gross.

  2. I find this hard to believe. Is this some kind of put on? I could never imagine {nor would want to} any of my friends acting that way. If they had I’d have freaked out and bolted.
    Must be my catholic upbringing.

  3. At first when I first read it. I thought he said and three Lennon Sisters and I went Hell yeah.
    then after reading it again, I realized it was three of Lennon’s friends, as in guy friends

    Then the ick factor set in and
    I realized I really fucking hate the beat-tels. Get it. Beat. Tels.
    Awe never mind
    I gonna go vomit now.

  4. “There’s so many things like that from when you’re a kid that you look back on and you’re, ‘Did we do that?’ But it was good harmless fun.”

    So, Paul – you would – what; want to help your son or grandson do this since it is good … harmless … fun? I’m thinkin’ John was lucky to have his idiocy cut short because you know he would have moved onto many much worse activities.

  5. You should read Phil Esposito’s book where he and his friends jerked off into a bottle to see if they could fill it up. Lost all respect for the junk man after that, I was a North Stars fan and hated the Bruins, but still respected Tony and Phil.

  6. @ Bad Brad – I think, at this point, the maid was PISSED on.

    Asshole just can’t go THAT far in the interview and what he ‘remembered’….acid and all.

    Will still listen to Georges songs…gleefully.


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