Comedian Talks About Military Versus Civilians in a Civil War – IOTW Report

Comedian Talks About Military Versus Civilians in a Civil War

I laughed, maybe not in the way he intended.

Didn’t the J6 committee say that unarmed men almost overthrew the government?

22 Comments on Comedian Talks About Military Versus Civilians in a Civil War

  1. He needs to remember Yamamoto’s quote about a rifle under every blade of grass……My 80 year old neighbor could hold off a battalion with somebody to reload for him……and then he forgets that the military would probably rather drink a few beers with my 80 year old neighbor and break bread while praying thanks to Jesus for the meal….Plus, he looks like a good northerly wind could render him a garden feature….

  2. This guy’s got Obama’s ears.

    The problem is that with today’s military, half are too fat to do anything but operate a drone. And the other half are either too stupid to find the “on” button, out smoking weed behind the barracks, or on paid leave getting their gender re-affirming surgery.

    And for every competent member of the military, there is a hundred 2nd Amendment aficionados who are not beer-drinking fat slobs but are disciplined shooters who pray to God every night that civil war does not come, but if it does will present a good accounting of themselves through poise, precision, and audacity.

  3. Their problem is they ASSUME the military rank and file will be on their side. After the way they’ve been treated by the commie bastards on the left and having the VA turned to shit. They don’t have a clue how this would even go.

  4. The percentage of military personnel who are actually trained on hand weapons isn’t as high as some would think. There are probably civilians who have fired their weapons more than many service men. In addition, where does he think that ex-military have gone? Probably quite a few who are in the NRA.

  5. What the left doesn’t realize – but the govt does – is that the personal weapons are for personal combat,

    Meaning, the guards and personnel that are hording people onto trains and such will be shot from far away and up close and won’t be able to accomplish their missions for genocide.

    Go ahead and laugh, lefties, but the truth is that it isn’t happening yet because of what I’ve described. Otherwise we would be much much further down the path of destruction than we are.

  6. Poor boob is only revealing his ignorance of history. 3% of the people in the colonies were actually fighting and managed to defeat the worlds’ greatest military. The stinky, smelly ignorant Afghans defeated the British, the Russians and us with basically small arms.

    The feds could manage to control things in the big cities, but outside the city limits, especially at night, partisans would ruin their day.

  7. As retired military I can guarantee that the comedian has no clue on what he is talking about. There are a lot of prior military in the NRA. As retired military I also know what will stop a MRAP or how to cause issues with communications.

  8. Hitler thought Germany could whip the UK, the US, and the USSR – SIMULTANEOUSLY.
    Japan took on China, Holland, the UK (including Australia and New Zealand), and the US.

    Everyone who starts a war thinks he’ll win it – and the maggots in the Media, Academia, and the Deep State who’ve declared war on the United States honestly believe that we (the People of the United States) will do nothing about it, and that even if we did, they’re holding all the cards – they ‘control’ the Armed Forces, law enforcement, and the ‘angry negro’ irregular storm troopers, for instance. They have arrogated to themselves the prerogative of all violence and believe that we will continue to reticently accept that.
    So far, we’ve allowed everything to go their way – and their hubris is breathtaking – they no longer even attempt to hide their contempt for America, their greed, or their corruption.

    “Beware the sleeping giant.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Oh, wait … that guy is a comedian?
    I don’t think he’s very funny – but about some things, I have no sense of humor.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. today’s fat-ass military would find it hard to operate a firearm while twerking, using their negro-phones,trying a to locate lactation-stations, marching in crocs, etc.

  11. What he doesn’t realize is – he is presenting the exact case for why civilians should have equal or greater fire power than what the government would bring to the field.
    The Gov wants to show up illegally on our door step to illegally arrest us with an M-16, well then the First Amendment allows us to have an M-16.
    Gov shows up … with an MRAP, then the FA allows us to have an MRAP.
    With a tank, then we get to have a tank.
    And those funny drones he wants to laugh about, yeah, we get those too.
    A better way to describe the FA – No law shall be passed to prevent civilians from having the same, or better, armaments than what the Government might use against its’ citizenry.
    And I’m sick and tired of the “well then civs get to own nuclear weapons?” strawman arguments.
    Is the stupid “F”ing Gov going to show up on my doorstep to illegally arrest me with a nuclear weapon in their holster? For crying out loud! And the morons trying to use that as an argument want to be taken seriously?

  12. Here’s how it will work. When soldiers are going door to door to take citizens to the cattle cars, the citizens will be at the homes of the soldiers doing what has to be done. Brutality breeds brutality.

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