Comedians try desperately to tear down the monsters they created – IOTW Report

Comedians try desperately to tear down the monsters they created

First it was Seinfeld. Then Sebastian Moniscalco. Then Dave Chappelle.

Now Pete Davidson, the idiot who made fun of Dan Crenshaw’s eye injury, goes off on “his crowd” for illegally videoing him at one of his performances. (Ironically, the rant was illegally videoed and uploaded on youtube.)

Comedians built this audience. They got laughs for “breaking the rules,” like making fun of a devastating eye injury sustained by an American soldier.

Now he wants them to “grow up.”

SNL became popular because they were supposedly counter-culture, breaking the rules, being rude and being punks. Now they want the audience to behave, but only long enough so that it doesn’t affect their bottom line. They can continue being jackasses as soon as they exit the theater.

It doesn’t work that way. Grow up.

15 Comments on Comedians try desperately to tear down the monsters they created

  1. What’s funny is a President Trump rally is 100 times funnier than the show of any of these professional comedians.
    In part, that’s because Trump is the true radical who is bucking the system. The comedians have become the establishment that wants to control our behavior.

  2. “Obama is still the motherload of unmimed comic material. We’ll get to it.”

    Never happen. The left has no God but the gods it has can never be questioned or ridiculed. As long as the left controls Big Comedy, Obama will never be the subject of anything the way Trump or conservatives are.

  3. Remember when that lazy, vacationing, golfing, childish, naïve, wildly spending, partying, petty, vindictive, arrogant, stumbling, sarcastic, maladroit, “fundamentally-transforming”, narcissistic, corrupt, sheet-grabbing, pillow-biting, stair-prancing, Gay-obsessed, ankle-grabbing-flexible, Communist-Organizing, Kenyan Kremepuff had the rodeo clown fired for simply wearing a mask?

    Funny how the little Marxist Brothers never mention that one, huh??

  4. I enjoy the Dry Bar Comedy YouTube channel with short clips from comedians who are funny without being vulgar. Their motto, “Funny for Everyone. Stand up comedy for everyone in the family.”

  5. Watched SNL when it first came out. Belushi, Ackroyd, etc. were hilarious. Their natural timing and acting ability was extraordinary. They weren’t vicious, vile, and nasty.

    I wouldn’t let my dog listen to that show now.

  6. Stupid sheeple laughing when he’s actually insulting them and where they live. Whaaa, whaaa, whaaaa. You’re exhausted and flying all over the place to do shows. Whaaaa!
    Now remind me who chose that as a career path?

  7. An why pray tell if a Liberal Socialist Democrat
    (LSD’s as we call in the South)
    is video taped being mean, evil and vindictive should they be immune from being exposed for what they are?

    Why should the LSD’s be allowed to hold others to a higher standard while be Hypocrites ?


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