Comey admitted he leaked memo, DOJ can’t find evidence he leaked – IOTW Report

Comey admitted he leaked memo, DOJ can’t find evidence he leaked



Jim Comey has always been a complicated man in American politics. His decision as FBI director in 2016 not to charge Hillary Clinton for use of her private email server when she was secretary of state was hailed by Democrats. Those same Democrats later blamed him for Clinton’s loss, after he publicly disclosed newly discovered Clinton emails shortly before the presidential election. Then his 2017 firing by President Trump set in motion the special counsel investigation and turned Comey into a key witness in the case — both legally and, eventually, politically — against Trump.

So it should be no surprise that a long-anticipated inspector general’s report on Comey’s leaking to the media — perhaps the final chapter in Comey’s long career in public service — should provide a mixed bag.

The report says Comey violated both FBI policy and his employment agreement by not turning over some memos when he was fired and later by leaking details of the memos to the media. Comey previously admitted that he leaked details of one of the memos to the New York Times through an intermediary. He even admitted he hoped the information, which included details of his private conversations with Trump, would lead to the appointment of a special counsel. But the report also discloses that the FBI has declined to prosecute Comey for these violations, and — notably — it says there is “no evidence” that he or his attorneys leaked classified information.


And Comey did a victory lap on Twitter.

“I don’t need a public apology from those who defamed me, but a quick message with a ‘sorry we lied about you’ would be nice,” he said.

But Comey’s tweets mask the severity of his rebuke. Even if Trump’s accusation was characteristically false and overcooked, that doesn’t mean the report is good for Comey. It describes him engaging in behavior that clearly violates department policy and sets “a dangerous example for the over 35,000 current FBI employees.”

So it appears the we’re closing the chapter on Comey’s time as FBI director rather appropriately, with a political Rorschach test in which people can see, emphasize and believe exactly what they want about him.

25 Comments on Comey admitted he leaked memo, DOJ can’t find evidence he leaked

  1. DOJ could not find the rear pockets with both hands. Both Clinton’s need to be prosecuted for their crimes=. There is no time limit on murder!
    The Vince Foster case could come back and bite him on the bottom.

  2. OK we all know Comey’s a douche and he glossed over the fact that yes, he DID leak (because he said he did under oath). But I’m interested in the McCabe situation, too. Because technically, neither of them are out of the woods.

  3. This administration is not going to prosecute anybody for anything if it can help it, other than maybe a few mostly insignificant small fry for PR reasons with its base to keep them in line and maintain their support.

  4. silly rabbits.
    tricks are for kids.

    jail is for non politicians.
    know what I mean?

    hey they didn’t jail hillary why would they jail comey?

    not one of these coup conspirators will ever be charged with a crime.

  5. Well, I just remembered that comey and McCabe filed false FISA warrants. 3 of them AFTER Comey said that the “dossier” was bullshit. The ‘evidence’ he based the warrants on. So, i n writing, in several places, also under testimony he said that.

    So he went to the . judges with the dossier as fact to the FISA court, 3 times. He lied and he said he lied. So did McCabe, the CNN contributor. lol.

    Again. Are they saving Comey for that charge? ^^^

    [Because, Comey wrote the FISA memos, too.]

  6. Translation from DoJ Bullshitese:

    Comey collected enough damaging evidence about bad behavior and illegal actions at the FBI and DoJ over his career to blackmail the DoJ into not prosecuting him for anything. Hillary’s treasure trove of State Department malfeasance and corruption is the reason she’ll never get prosecuted. The swamp protects itself, which is why anyone at a high level in the swamp likely got there because they collected at a shitload of dirt on DC and put it in a safe place for full release should they ever get prosecuted for anything. Comey likely knows things that would fuck up US relations with foreign allies for decades.

    This is why no one of any importance will ever get prosecuted in DC no matter how obviously fucking guilty they are. It’s also the reason why basically honest people quickly get fucked up the ass in DC once they get too high up the chain to protect themselves. General Flynn is a perfect example of this. I’d wager it never even crossed his mind that the two FBI agents he was talking to were specifically tasked to entrapping him into a process crime in order to get him to pressure him into committing perjury in order to fuck over Trump.

    In DC, the bad guys always win.

  7. I’m keeping up a little hope yet too in what MJA is saying.

    “Are they saving Comey for that charge?

    [Because, Comey wrote the FISA memos, too.]”

    That arrogant corrupt mouthy big turd has to be made to pay! – along with the Clinton’s, Clapper, Brennon, McCabe and so many more.

  8. Barr is much better than his predecessor. but Barr is tied to the Rove/Obama UNIPARTY. He was AG for the liberal I voted for in ’89! the President who showed BHO how an American President bashes my country! In ’92 several liberal writers at the left of center NRO bashed Ronny for not backing the America hater for re-election. – J Goldberg for 1! 1 of the conservatives there (I think VDH from Cal) said Ron loves America Bush does not! To see hoe he bashes America go to C.I.S. and search for “Kinder Gentler…”! Barr has ties to the Rove/Obama UNIPARTY THAT ARE AS CLEAR AS THE NOSE ON YOUR FACE! Bush2 promoted Comey. Barr , at best, has divided loyalties!

  9. an ol exaJahead and TheMule see it as it is!!
    D.C. Political criminals and traitors get to keep passing go to collect their $200. AG Barr is just one of them. as was Trey Gowdy. The corruption is too deep and too far gone for the America that used to be. (((They))) are against patriotic Americans which is why (((They))) are destroying cities with feces and drugs, destroying the country with sick and criminal illegals, parasitic African blacks, and job-taking Indian visa holders. (((They))) have the power of control and intend to use it. Like already using their Antifa terrorists. Our own government is the enemy of the American people and American patriots are their enemy.

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