Comey Chameleon – IOTW Report

Comey Chameleon

When history records what happened in the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential loss it will be nutshelled like this, if the people writing the history are honest:

When being considered for Secretary of State in the Obama administration the major concern was a foundation the Clintons had set up that every DC insider knew was crooked.

The evidence of the racketeering nature of the enterprise was revealed when in 2005 Bill Clinton involved himself in a uranium deal for a friend in Canada. Frank Giustra was to secure uranium rights from human rights violator Nursultan Nazarbayev. That year, Giustra began plying the Clinton Foundation with millions and millions of dollars. The deal went hinky on many levels and pricked up the eyes and ears of people capable of seeing the Clintons for what they are- criminals.

Head shaking should have led to ostracizing, but it didn’t. Hillary was made to sign an agreement that she would not accept foreign donations while secretary of state unless they were approved by the white house.

Before the ink was dry the Clintons were laughing and thumbing their noses and anyone who thought their criminal activity was going to end.

Bill Clinton immediately raised his speaking fees to unworthy heights. They were unworthy for what what the speeches contained in terms of content. They were only worthy for what hiring him could do for the hirers.

What Obama did or didn’t know, at the time, was that Hillary set up a private email system that would be outside the purview of FOIA requests. This was done specifically to avoid the prying eyes from seeing her pay-to-play schemes. People should never find out how her position of power was slimily monetized for self-enrichment.

We found out.

FBI director James Comey knows we found out. Comey knows that we know a Clinton tentacle has touched the bureau in the form of a campaign donation to the wife of the #2 man in the FBI. Comey knows the entire thing smelled political from the git go and that his name was Mudd.

So when a second bite of the apple presented itself, Comey seized on it. Rightly so.

More from Andrew C. McCarthy.

12 Comments on Comey Chameleon

  1. So Comey’s a reluctant Patriot? I’m not buying that. He’s either a Super Patriot that had to walk through a liberal mine field to bring the bitch to justice inspite of the Obama DOJ’s interference, or he’s a full on traitor. We will find out by the 8th of next month.

  2. I believe the polls are bullshit and Trump is actually way ahead.
    Comey realized that Trump will probably win the election, and when he does, he’ll come after him for the half-assed job he did on the initial “investigation”.
    He’s covering his ass.

  3. This FBI investigation reopening is all a big distraction to keep everyone’s attention off of the Wikileaks stuff.

    Comey has already shown his true colors, and they ain’t red, white, and blue. More like yellow and red.

  4. I would like to think that Comey sees this as his last chance to salvage the respect of everyone that he thinks is important. His last chance to turn around a career of selling himself out.

  5. It seems that some real patriots at the FBI disobeyed his orders and kept the investigation going on behind his back. It turns out that those laptops that he ordered destroyed actually weren’t. Once they found the smoking gun they threatened to out him. I think he did what he did this Friday to save his own ass.

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