Comey: Classified Info Would Have ‘Cast Serious Doubt’ On Loretta Lynch Handling Clinton Investigation – IOTW Report

Comey: Classified Info Would Have ‘Cast Serious Doubt’ On Loretta Lynch Handling Clinton Investigation

Your turn, Loretta…

Daily Caller: Former FBI director James Comey wrote in his new book that classified information could have “cast serious doubt” on Loretta Lynch’s ability to investigate Hillary Clinton’s email server in 2016.

ABC News reports, “Comey writes that he felt obligated to take more of a personal role as the public face of the investigation rather than deferring to then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch – in part because of something involving Lynch that he cryptically refers to as a ‘development still unknown to the American public to this day.’”

The government learned of this information in 2016. The book does not reveal anything about the information.

Comey also wrote that “the unverified material would undoubtedly have been used by political opponents to cast serious doubt on the attorney general’s independence in connection with the Clinton investigation.” more

19 Comments on Comey: Classified Info Would Have ‘Cast Serious Doubt’ On Loretta Lynch Handling Clinton Investigation

  1. So there’s a Lynch Dossier, too? That’s quite a shot across the bow, James.

    Comey walks free again. He knows where the Deep State bodies are buried.

  2. That was quite a caption on that pic of Comey, Lynch and Barky. I think the pic itself needed no caption. Unless the Daily Caller was trying to tell us something about the three amigos and dead cops.

  3. Interesting and telling that, again, he frames things in a political, and not legal, perspective. He turned the FBI into another Left wing political organization.

  4. “the unverified material would undoubtedly have been used by political opponents ……”

    No shit, James. Ya mean something like presenting it to a FISA court judge to obtain a warrant and start a bogus investigation and a two year cluster fk?

  5. And Lynch will have to answer to the extent Lois Lerner or any of them have had to. All this does is piss me off, mostly because I know none of them is ever going to be held accountable. They get to brag about it in books they are paid millions to produce. There is no justice.

  6. From AA: “Interesting and telling that, again, he frames things in a political, and not legal, perspective.”

    Once again, Abigail goes straight to the crux of the problem.


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