Comey Creates Deeper Legal Jeopardy With CNN Townhall Answer – IOTW Report

Comey Creates Deeper Legal Jeopardy With CNN Townhall Answer

CTH- FBI Director James Comey appears on CNN tonight and digs himself deeper into legal jeopardy.   Remember as you watch this answer, on March 20th, 2017, while still officially FBI Director, Comey testified to congress a counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign began in July 2016.

In an effort to attempt to obfuscate his current legal and professional malfeasance in leaking information, via his leaks to the media, Comey insists he did nothing wrong.  However, Comey also states that it would be a violation to leak “information about an ongoing investigation.”

As Comey describes his leaking of his notes from a conversation with President-elect Trump, he conveniently avoids the contradicting fact that President Trump was a person within the investigation the FBI was conducting.  WATCH:


10 Comments on Comey Creates Deeper Legal Jeopardy With CNN Townhall Answer

  1. “President Trump was a person within the investigation the FBI was conducting.”

    I thought Trump said Comey told him three times that he was not a target of the investigation. I know, I know, Trump was still “within” the investigation, but watch Comey’s legal team try to say that it was okay to leak, because Trump was not the target, followed by a lot of semantics about problematic words.

  2. “If anderson cooper would have been faster on his feet”

    he would have been a contestant on dancing with the stars and not on the judges panel !

    once again secrets, classified information blocking justice in our government.

    oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive” refers to how complicated life becomes when people start lying !

    our current state of affairs has arisen from all our secrecy in government.

  3. Now that we know that Comey the Clown shared the classified memos with Patrick Fitzgerald (among others), the sudden naming of Fitzgerald as his ‘personal attorney” makes sense. Geeze, what a slimy weasel.

  4. As Cooper dug deeper into what a “leak” is and “Aren’t you a leaker?”, Comey visibly got more annoyed. He was expecting softball questions and a big “pass”. Even the left is feeding him more rope.

  5. The kid was there last night since she attends W&M. Her friend was allowed to ask this doofus a question. I was supposed to stay up and watch but fell asleep. Unfortunately I reside in the NJ town Comey was raised in, his dads an asshole Trump hater, he was in town 2 weeks ago. Sorry I missed him.


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