Comey Double-Feature – IOTW Report

Comey Double-Feature

Comey ‘Can’t Answer’ If ‘Hillary Clinton Got Justice’

“I know you feel I have shivved you,” he continued. “But I think you may feel differently if you read those two chapters.”



Savannah Guthrie Holds Comey’s Feet To The Fire: ‘You’re Shorter In Person’.

“It still seems raw. It seems like you have some scores to settle,” she continued. “A little bit of anger left over, a little bit of bitterness.”

“Some people have said that was kind of, for lack of a better word, that was a little catty. Did you enjoy taking those shots at the president?”

7 Comments on Comey Double-Feature

  1. I keep seeing these advertisements for Comeyguard.
    Take a shit in a box and ship it to James Comey.

    He will test your feces for collusion, obstruction, and intent.

    The results will be stored on an old Hillary Clinton server where anyone in the world can access it at any time.

    So, send your stool to the #1 stool pigeon…

  2. It’s a little uncomfortable, just because “I don’t crave all the attention.” What the Africa Bob???? (btw, rather than dropping an F-bomb, this will be my substitution for the “F” word h/tip Africa Bob!)

    If I didn’t despise Comey so much, I’d actually pity him. He certainly has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Beyond that I’m sure a psychoanalyst could have a field day describing what ails him.


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