Comey must be “smoking something” – IOTW Report

Comey must be “smoking something”

Page 227 of Comey Interview

Mr. Ratcliffe.

All right. So I guess as I try and summarize what I’ve heard today, Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information more than a hundred times. She made false statements about it. The FBI was aware that at least one of her aides also mishandled classified information. And one of the folks employed on behalf of Secretary Clinton intentionally destroyed evidence known to be subject to a congressional subpoena and preservation order and lied to the FBI about it. And on July 5th, 2016, you stood before the American people and said that neither you nor any reasonable prosecutor would bring any charges in this fact pattern. Is that accurate?


Mr. Comey.

Yep. I believed it then, I believe it now. And anybody that thinks we were on team Clinton trying to cut 228 her a break is smoking something.

ht/ hot salsa

20 Comments on Comey must be “smoking something”

  1. That bastard is among a dozen traitors I can think of right now that should be walked out and shot at sunrise. The damn Romanians did it right. No appeals, no bullshit, they were traitors against their country, and the Ceausescu’s were executed like the dogs that they were. We have a bunch of dogs that need the same treatment.

  2. @joe6pak, @LocoBlancoSaltine – There ought to be multiple trigger-pullers. Here’s an idea: imagine AT&T Stadium, where the Dallas Cowboys play, filled with 80,000 rifle-toting sharpshooters. Sure, they’d be in a ring shooting in, but they’d be shooting down at a traitor convicted by a jury of their peers superiors tied to a stake on the 50-yard line in the center of the field.

  3. Al, sign me up!

    You know one thing that concerns me is that Trump is spending too much time and energy playing his so called 3D chess. We want the hammer dropped on the black hats and we want it done last week! I’m tired of the games and I’m tired of the excuses for why it hasn’t happened!

  4. P.S. I wish folks would stop blaming Trump. He is absolutely unable himself to do this. Nor, practicably can Trump fire Mueller. Nor, practicably can Trump “order” this or that be done. Or anything else the Trump-blamers think Trump can do.

    Unless, of course, they would prefer that absolutely nothing else gets done in this country while Trump manages a barrage from all sides of criminal allegations and consequent impeachment proceeds however bogus in addition to what he also has, such as resistance from Congress, liberal judges thwarting his orders, and an outrageously negative media.

    Trump has done an almost superhuman lot (see, but there are only so many minutes in a day.

    (Aside, Q is bogus.)

  5. Prior to his “interview”, I jokingly suggested he would get the same kid glove treatment as HRC.
    Sure enough. he was not under oath, however, Goodlatte issued a stern warning, “he could get in trouble for lying to Congress”.

  6. Each of these scum“share the same smug look. That look telling us that it doesn’t matter what you peasants like, we run the show and we’re untouchable. And what’s the worse that can happen, so I got caught, I’ll just retire with full benefits and spend my days behind the scenes making more money with my connections.

  7. “Sure enough. he was not under oath, however, Goodlatte issued a stern warning, “he could get in trouble for lying to Congress”.”

    Yep. He could have this marked down in his ‘Permanent Record. And we all know how devastating that can be.

  8. I’d like to point out a few differences between them and us; they execute people regularly to keep them quiet. They brazenly steal elections. They show no compunction to lying under oath. They gaslight as a profession. We counter all this by playing by the rules? It’s no fun being righteous in prison.

  9. He clearly knows oon which side his bread is buttered. People not paying attention don’t know that in ’06 the scoundrel promoting Comey would tell Americans 10 years later to VOTE CLINTON! The Bush/Clinton is older Thant the Bush/Obam connection; but they are almost the same.

    The liar President in ’06 was – – – ?

  10. I’d just really, really, really like to see comey smoking his last cigarette, tied to a post against a wall or in front of a deep hole in the ground.
    And, Joe6, I can come up with at least 200 names of “people” who deserve the same fate – VERY easily.

  11. There is a thing called “duping delight”. If you know someone who shows pleasure at scamming/ lying/ abusing another person, I think that is a good sign I want nothing to do with them. Of course, the (D)irtbag parties voters are after a fat deal at the expense of others, so they PREFER lying scum as leadership – this explains a lot about why psychopathic types are drawn to them – power without restraints.

  12. Every time he said i do not recall (LIE) I don’t remember (LIE)and I do not know (Lie) are CYA for FELONIES. if you think his testimony and faulty memory were fun to watch. Wait till Judicial Watch interviews Hillary. Between blaiming her concussion and Comey triple. She will skate better than a olympic gold medalist


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