18 Comments on Comey Says Spying on Trump Was OK Because it Was “Regulated”
Lies, lies, and more lies!
We must face the facts: these people are TRAITORS.
Not, simply, because they targetted Mr. (later President) Trump, but because they targetted ANYONE! Had they targetted Sen. Sanders (without evidence of criminality) it would STILL be an outrage.
izlamo delenda est …
Yes, spying was done on Clinton, too, but it was UNREGULATED.
It’s pure torment waiting for the wheels of justice to turn. I want to see these scum pay dearly.
And I want to see it not stop until it goes right to the source {Obama}.
Oh, what tangled webs those leftists weave…
So many logical flaws with Comey’s lies.
Why not tell Trump not to hire these people?
Why not tell him they are under investigation?
You cannot expect me to believe Halper or anyone else was not planting hacking rumors with low level functionaries and setting up lying to investigator process crimes that were the foundation for more collusion between the DOJ, FBI, Obama or the Clinton campaign.
They were all working together to rid Our Progressive Future of this meddlesome priest.
lying liars.
when your government acts in secrecy how can citizens expect to be free?
redactions of information in e-mails is not for national security.
it is used for personal cover up of crimes committed by those who claim it.
funny hillary knew what should happen when Trump won and this all came out.
how can her supporters not listen to her ?
So what do we need Mueller for?
Apparently the spy didn’t find anything
No one has explained to me what “help” Putin was supposed to have given Trump.
Did he give Trump the “Make America Great Again” line? Did he tell Trump to base his platform on “Build the Wall”, “Take Care of Our Vets”, “Strengthen Our Military”?
Did he convince Trump to spend half as much money in the campaign as Hillary and to do 10x the number of campaign stops?
I’d really like someone in the media to ask those questions.
How did Putin help Trump?
Regulated. Just like the Fast & Furious guns were regulated. Just like the IRS was regulated. Eff off, Comey.
Maybe he meant regulated as in ‘well regulated’. Done with great effort and care to achieve intended purpose.
@thirdtwin “Regulated. Just like the Fast & Furious guns were regulated. Just like the IRS was regulated.”
Just like King George regulated American colonists.
Just like Stalin regulated the white Russians.
Just like Hitler regulated the Jews.
Thank you Tim, I have been screaming at the talking heads for a coupla weeks to strip away the synonyms and call a spade a spade, they are traitors and deserve to be hung by the neck until dead.
Treason is a capital crime whether it is regulated or regulated.
@ OpenTheDoor: That would be the Julius Streicher award for journalism. (iwitness02)
OMFG! Unregulated sedition!
The Lawâ„¢ is for thee, not for We
I cannot think of anything more satisfying than watching this POS go to prison, I guess hanging the bastard would satisfy that desire, but that is probably asking too much.
It is OK that the U.S. Government violated the Constitution because the government approved of it.
Lies, lies, and more lies!
We must face the facts: these people are TRAITORS.
Not, simply, because they targetted Mr. (later President) Trump, but because they targetted ANYONE! Had they targetted Sen. Sanders (without evidence of criminality) it would STILL be an outrage.
izlamo delenda est …
Yes, spying was done on Clinton, too, but it was UNREGULATED.
It’s pure torment waiting for the wheels of justice to turn. I want to see these scum pay dearly.
And I want to see it not stop until it goes right to the source {Obama}.
Oh, what tangled webs those leftists weave…
So many logical flaws with Comey’s lies.
Why not tell Trump not to hire these people?
Why not tell him they are under investigation?
You cannot expect me to believe Halper or anyone else was not planting hacking rumors with low level functionaries and setting up lying to investigator process crimes that were the foundation for more collusion between the DOJ, FBI, Obama or the Clinton campaign.
They were all working together to rid Our Progressive Future of this meddlesome priest.
lying liars.
when your government acts in secrecy how can citizens expect to be free?
redactions of information in e-mails is not for national security.
it is used for personal cover up of crimes committed by those who claim it.
funny hillary knew what should happen when Trump won and this all came out.
how can her supporters not listen to her ?
So what do we need Mueller for?
Apparently the spy didn’t find anything
No one has explained to me what “help” Putin was supposed to have given Trump.
Did he give Trump the “Make America Great Again” line? Did he tell Trump to base his platform on “Build the Wall”, “Take Care of Our Vets”, “Strengthen Our Military”?
Did he convince Trump to spend half as much money in the campaign as Hillary and to do 10x the number of campaign stops?
I’d really like someone in the media to ask those questions.
How did Putin help Trump?
Regulated. Just like the Fast & Furious guns were regulated. Just like the IRS was regulated. Eff off, Comey.
Maybe he meant regulated as in ‘well regulated’. Done with great effort and care to achieve intended purpose.
@thirdtwin “Regulated. Just like the Fast & Furious guns were regulated. Just like the IRS was regulated.”
Just like King George regulated American colonists.
Just like Stalin regulated the white Russians.
Just like Hitler regulated the Jews.
Thank you Tim, I have been screaming at the talking heads for a coupla weeks to strip away the synonyms and call a spade a spade, they are traitors and deserve to be hung by the neck until dead.
Treason is a capital crime whether it is regulated or regulated.
@ OpenTheDoor: That would be the Julius Streicher award for journalism. (iwitness02)
OMFG! Unregulated sedition!
The Lawâ„¢ is for thee, not for We
I cannot think of anything more satisfying than watching this POS go to prison, I guess hanging the bastard would satisfy that desire, but that is probably asking too much.
It is OK that the U.S. Government violated the Constitution because the government approved of it.