‘Comey’s fitness report while heading the FBI is a compendium of incompetence’ – IOTW Report

‘Comey’s fitness report while heading the FBI is a compendium of incompetence’

I don’t know if I should laugh or flip a table over in anger after reading this article-

American Thinker: For all of his stage-crafted gravitas and preening, James Comey was a bantamweight, yearning to be anointed with the heavyweight crown by securing a lifetime sinecure from the Deep State.

After all, his most prominent prosecution in his career as U.S. Attorney was convicting Martha Stewart — not for actual insider securities trading, but for lying to the FBI and misleading her investors by proclaiming her innocence. No matter, Comey the hi-octane prosecutor saved the securities industry from the ravages of Martha — the master manipulator of stuffed endive ginger dip.

There’s a lot more, unfortunately. 

18 Comments on ‘Comey’s fitness report while heading the FBI is a compendium of incompetence’

  1. Great summary on Comey.

    But the article seems to call for getting rid of Spicer. I like him but he must quit calling on the same snotty so called reporters every day. There are over a hundred reporters in the room. I am tired of the progressive shills getting all the “questions”, spewing accusations and long lectures in the most offensive whiny manner.

  2. Trump’s decision to fire Comey was long in coming, but it was undoubtedly the right decision. I’d rather have the termination a little tardy than not at all.
    The disease that has infected the FBI goes deeper than comey.
    A strong Director’s appointment will flush out the rest.

  3. Ahhhhhhhhh! Martha Stewart is no longer incarcerated, and I don’t know if I can sleep at night. I’m worried she will sneak into my home at night and rearrange my spice rack or leave nasty notes about how my pillow cases don’t match the comforter. Without James Comey at the helm, how can I possibly function knowing Martha Stewart is on the loose again?

  4. Good riddance.
    Comey’s firing was long overdue, and no surprise to anyone in DC, least of all FBI regulars.
    Comey will be missed only by Podesta/Hilary and other Uniparty types who had invested in him as a reliable lieutenant.

    Reopen the Clinton investigations and lock them all up.
    If Trump does not do that latter, the embedded Deep State will either impeach him or arrange another Dallas.

    God give us the courage and wisdom to preserve this Republic, and make it once again an example to the world.

  5. @cato May 16, 2017 at 12:36 pm

    “A strong Director’s appointment will flush out the rest.”

    Because simply flushing the rest makes too many brains hurt?

  6. @Rufus T Firefly May 16, 2017 at 1:08 pm

    “God give us the courage and wisdom to preserve this Republic, and make it once again an example to the world.”

    Pick one, already.

  7. If you contrast Private Enterprise with Gubermint ANYTHING, you’d know that everyone in government is a bantamweight (or grossly incompetent).

    When you add that to the fact that while Americans suffered, the government pukes were paid 50% more and got great benefits, it should make you want to punch the next incompetent bureaucrat right in the jaw.

    IBS recent editorial cited a study that it took only 3 in the private sector to do the work that 16 government employees were tasked with, and often, the government employees could NOT accomplish a given task. Ever.

  8. Thanks, MJA!! I’d have caught that piece because I read that site but others might have missed it.

    Sure is an awful lot of potential hemp rope stretchers out there, with so far so few opportunities for it to get done.

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