Commander-in-Chief Forum: Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Commander-in-Chief Forum: Donald Trump

Hillary’s stuff here—->

See a vet confront her about security clearance. He tells her he’d be in prison if he did what she did.

Watch her snottily answer that she did nothing wrong —>

25 Comments on Commander-in-Chief Forum: Donald Trump

  1. Is anyone picking up on this vibe in the Trump segment?

    The democrats in the audience are asking questions with anger and vitriol in their voice about things that happened UNDER OBAMA AND HILLARY!!!

    My point is, they are already treating Trump like he’s the president.
    They don’t even know it themselves, but they already decided he’s the guy to complain to.

  2. Lauer is Cankles’ chief butt wiper. That was obvious. His condescending words to Trump were enough to make one want to smash his bald head in like a over-ripe casaba. And Fur is right, the audience was angry, but Trump was smart to keep returning the vitriol to the rightful owner, Barky Hussein. GO TRUMP!

  3. lauer couldn’t help himself! He just had to correct the record on what killery “really said.” hahaah! Anyone associated with cable or network media is going to be regarded as lepers when this is over. Cue the journalist jokes (“What do you call a pundit at the bottom of the ocean?)

  4. I love how a “random” audience member asked a question to Trump and Lauer had a tweet Trump wrote years ago, that dovetailed nicely with the question, AT THE READY.
    WTF were the odds on that??

  5. Funny how you can tell which veterans are democrats and which are republicans before they even speak.


    That little msnbc prick is pushing his luck with that rudeness.

  6. Wow, she lies endlessly or completely incompetent. No other options.

    I think Trump did terrible but still looked better than her. He has to step up with better sound bites than saying he will do better than Obama. Gee I hope so.

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