Comments? – IOTW Report


In our military they check men for vaginas.

Pete Buttigieg wants that cabinet position-

30 Comments on Comments?

  1. Insurance changed and I got a new doctor. Within 3 minutes of being in his exam room he had me bent over with a finger in my ass and fondling my balls. No small talk to get me excited about the project or anything. Don’t think I’ll be going back.

  2. @PHenry – wasn’t that the test they used in History of the World Part I, to determine who was a eunuch and who wasn’t? As it turned out Gregory Hines was most certainly not. 🙂

  3. Yanking to see if they have a crank. Just like in Navy boot camp while standing in the chow line very closely bunched together, “Nut to butt, make the guy in front of you smile.” It looks to me like some of those Indian recruits have a boner showing.

  4. Biden’s Military Joint Chiefs of Staff should be checked, not a set of balls between any of them.

    They proved that by the gutless, deadly retreat of Afghanistan, abandoning Americans, $Billions of dollars of equipment, weapons and tons of ammunition.

  5. A urologist told me once, “It’s not unusual for a man to have an erection during a digital prostate exam.”

    I said I don’t have an erection.

    He replied, I wasn’t talking about you.”

  6. How do those recruits keep a straight face while some bimbo walks down the line playing with your dick. Nie work… if you can get it.

    Speaking of nice work… I recall a time in basic backin’64 when they herded us all into one room with a guy standing in the middle. We all circled around him and turned our back to him. We were then instructed to bend over and spread our cheeks while the guy in the middle walked around and looked at everyone’s asshole. I’ve wondered many a time what he tells his kids at home when they ask… “Daddy, what did you do at work today?”

  7. I restrict my checking for vaginas to sports bars and nightclubs. I don’t walk down a line of shirtless males with hair on their chests.

    Although the rubber gloves was a good safety measure.

  8. Probably why Biden was never known to have joined the military.

    Since, with most men, one testicle is smaller than the other.
    But, according to Biden’s wife, ALL his testicles are smaller than the other. And…the largest one is permanently lodged inside his left nostril. I mean, You Know, the one he sniffs little girls and boys with.

  9. Since these assorted fruits seem to want to join the armed forces these days why not just buy a copy of Tuli Kupferburg’s 1001 Ways to beat the Draft & follow the instructions to the letter ?

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