Common Core History – IOTW Report

23 Comments on Common Core History

  1. George Washington was the leader at Sinaloa Ridge.
    He sent the Light Brigade up the hill and they all got slottered.
    But they had ice cream aftawards so everythin was OK.

    I learnt histry in Scranton

  2. They deleted the tweet. Not a surprise. A surprise would have been to own up to the mistake. I swear, I’m a canuck and I probably know more about US history then most of your college kids and I suspect any American over 50 years old knows twice as much as me.

  3. Gen. Covfefe made his quote about “Damn the torpedoes, all hands on deck.” Then the Confederates marched in Paris.
    I really leart alot by watching the Histiry Channel.

  4. Gen. Custer and Sitting Bull were right behind Washington. That’s why the British were so scared they stood still. Then Washington gave the order to kill the British by raising his hat. When they won the war, Gen. Cuter and Sitting Bull went to England in a traveling circus to show them no hard feelings. Washington stayed here to start skimming off the new taxes he made on tea and made himself rich while all the deplorable citizens starved to death.

    That was on the next day on the History Channel. I taped it.

  5. In a way it makes senses. The Federal government mashed together the birthdays of the two greatest presidents to make one federal holiday, why not mash up their histories as well?

  6. Actually, I drew that picture after explaining (like, y’know, for the fifth time) to George, that he had to formally accept the Commission, he couldn’t just get the money and all the prestige and stuff. He really wouldn’t have amounted to little more than a good Indian fighter if it hadn’t been for me.
    I wrote his Farewell Address, by the way … probably one of my better efforts.

    That was right before I gave my idea for NASA to Johnny Adams (who was kind of a dim bulb where space travel was concerned).

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