Common Core Kids Underperform on College Entrance Exams – IOTW Report

Common Core Kids Underperform on College Entrance Exams

The Federalist

For the third time in a row since Common Core was fully phased in nationwide, U.S. student test scores on the nation’s broadest and most respected test have dropped, a reversal of an upward trend between 1990 and 2015. Further, the class of 2019, the first to experience all four high school years under Common Core, is the worst-prepared for college in 15 years, according to a new report.

The National Assessment of Educational Progress is a federally mandated test given every other year in reading and mathematics to students in grades four and eight. (Periodically it also tests other subjects and grade levels.) In the latest results, released Wednesday, American students slid yet again on nearly every measure. More

15 Comments on Common Core Kids Underperform on College Entrance Exams

  1. And, they’re fully indoctrinated, ready for the Socialist lamb, saving the planet like good little Gretas and ripe for political plucking as they prepare to begin their lives as economic slaves.

  2. Fools who are supposedly the “experts” in education
    dreamt CC up to change a long proven and successful
    system into a cash and ego trip for themselves.
    This resulted in a ruinous ride for students who
    lost irreplacable years of their lives trying to
    learn how to “get close” to a true answer that
    the former system provided by use of logic.
    Parents should sue the hell out of every charlatan
    who pushed this garbage and get the courts to
    order them to never have anything to do with
    education for the rest of their dispicable lives.

  3. “Common Core Kids Underperform on College Entrance Exams”


    Maybe the college entrance exams have OVER-ESTIMATED the great and wonderful expectations of their dumbing down of our/their ‘educational system’.

  4. The biggest problem is the phones that they have their faces glued to. The internet and its stars are where they get their education. School serves no purpose anymore but to get them out of their homes for a few hours a day. I’d bet money that a study would show that smarter kids have better electronics discipline.

  5. Common Core was a deliberate attempt to permanently corrupt, confuse and cripple a child´s brain so that they cannot excel in the modern world! Weaken America any way possible and Left went right for our children knowing the long-term affects of their sick-twisted pretzel-logic and not being able to think straight and heeeeeere’s yer proof!

  6. This is very weird for me. I was a ‘victim’ or guinea pig, of scholastic experimentation in the late sixties and early seventies (pollution, global cooling, metric system, Silent Spring, etc.) and it turns out?

    My two boys, NOW are ‘victims’ of Common Core, thet are now in early HS and it started out for them in grade school, but I took care of THAT on my own, I corrected what I could, particularly the history and the science.

    I can remember doing math homework at the kitchen counter and reading the word problems and what the expected, or wanted, outcome was. OR doing simple multiplication?? Or old division?

    I told them forget what you just learned today, do it this way, and they GOT IT.

    Social Engineering at its best and worst for us all.

  7. Common Core was given to us from the Obama administration. The universities initially complained about it because they were aware that they would have to lower their entrance standards to accommodate the new class of “dumbed down” students. So Obama’s team came up with a solution to salvage their Common Core plan. They created Government Assured College Loans. The universities smelled instant sustained wealth and the concern over lower entrance requirements faded away.

    That is the synopsis of Common Core 101.

    The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that Common Core was intentional to create an easier, less questioning class of future sheep to direct propaganda to.

  8. Hardest hit – children of poor or illiterate parents who cannot afford to move their children to a private school or even help them to understand what they themselves were not taught.

    Second hardest hit – good teachers who have been forced by school boards and administrators to teach this crap despite their own best, common sense instincts.

  9. Another interesting aspect about this is that the Obama admin. awarded Pearson Publishing a multi-million dollar policy to print the books and then later on, Pearson gave the Obama a fat book deal.

    Coinky-dink or Quid Pro Dough?


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