Communism or Bust? – IOTW Report

Communism or Bust?

How about communism AND bust, as our Dear Leader shakes hands and beams with glee with China’s preezy  Tran Dai Quang (or maybe it’s because they told Obama he was going to meet with a tran?)

ht/ cth

7 Comments on Communism or Bust?

  1. Tran Dai Quang, President of Vietnam.
    Formerly served as Minister of Public Security (National Police).
    He used his position in the Communist party to enforce draconian security laws to prosecute and jail dissidents who stood for democracy and human rights. Vietnam has a continuing record of detaining people for long periods for alleged national security violations, without access to legal counsel or family visits, and with inadequate medical care.
    Tran Dai Quang was and remains the Communist enforcer.

    I can see why Obama wants to sell more weapons to VN and wanted to meet personally with the communist enforcer.
    obama feels right at home with communists.

    PS: Being a Viet Vet…Fuck Ho Chi Minh, Obama and Tran Dai Quang.

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