Communist Teacher Will Be Fired – IOTW Report

Communist Teacher Will Be Fired

Remember this douche?


Despite initially ignoring Project Veritas when approached, the district now says, “As of today, this teacher was placed on paid leave because of his actions and choices in the classroom. Natomas Unified will be taking the legally required next steps to place the teacher on unpaid leave and fire the teacher.”

The district also addressed the imagery in Gipe’s classroom, including the Antifa flag and the poster of the murderous dictator Mao Zedong. In their statement, the district notes they removed the imagery and also found more disturbing political material.

“Additionally, the teacher, using his own money, purchased a series of rubber stamps. These stamps include an inappropriate image of Josef Stalin with an insensitive phrase, as well as other stamps with Fidel Castro, Kim Jung Un and others,” the statement reads, noting the teacher used these stamps to mark work as complete.


In the Project Veritas video the communist indicates there are more like him in the school district.

He cannot be a sacrificial lamb, ending with him. The school district must investigate more fully and root out all of the indoctrinators.

19 Comments on Communist Teacher Will Be Fired

  1. @Heretic — Not this time. I watched the hour or so video of the board meeting and parents’/community members’ remarks to the school board. Not only will Gabriel Gipe be run out of the district and education, but it’s likely many of the school board members will be as well. Enraged parents are forming a class action against them, the school district, Inderkum H.S.’s principal, vice-principal and everyone else who ignored this on-going situation. Many of them not only threatened them with this during the meeting, but they also began tacking on provisions like counseling for all the guy’s students since he’s been teaching there, for example. The school board, it seems, will be named as co-defendants in charges of child abuse because they’ve already been approached by some parents over this and ignored them. Not this time.

    This is so serious, the board called a 5 minute recess and came back into their room with their own counsel. Then when the heat got turned up even more and they probably started thinking about how much damning evidence would be made a part of the official board meeting video, they called a second 5 minute recess as a means of running out the back door!

    Gabriel Gibe has already implicated at least 2 other teachers in the same high school who helped him get his teaching credential; people, he says, are exactly like him. It will be proved in court (if they don’t settle) the district knew all about these teachers and undoutedly agreed with their radical abuse of the students.

  2. @AbigailAdams: “It will be proved in court (if they don’t settle) the district knew all about these teachers and undoutedly agreed with their radical abuse of the students.”

    Given the fine ire of the parents, I’m cautiously hopeful that they, as plaintiffs, will refuse any settlement offer. I certainly would if I were in their position.

  3. Uncle Al — I think your hope is justified. I didn’t hear a single parent who was interested in anything but that the school system abused their kids. I heard the F bomb leveled at the board members several times. These parents/community members were exceedingy pissed off.

    We have our own Gabriel Gibe just up the road from us at Ballard High School in Seattle. When our daughter was in his class as a H.S. freshman, I saw the inside of of his classroom. Posters of Che, etc. And the guy was grooming his students as well. He was giving out extra credit to those who attended his local Lefty events. When I confronted Ballard’s principal about it all I got was “meh.” I was really angry! I hope – if Noam Gundle and the principal, Kevin Wynkoop – that they are taking note of Inderkum’s situation.

  4. “Gabriel Gibe has already implicated at least 2 other teachers in the same high school who helped him get his teaching credential”. When I first read of this a couple days ago I wondered how a doofus like him made it through college to get a teaching degree. I guess he cheated just like any good liberal commie.

  5. Goldenfoxx – Even that issue was raised by a parent last night. He wants to know how many of Gipe’s students were indoctrinated to the point they went up to Portland to burn buildings. This got a storm of agreement from the angry crowd behind him. The board certainly wasn’t counting on well-informed parents and citizens confronting them on the macro level. I suspect the board is trying to contain this to just one “bad apple” – Gipe – and this is why, after these sorts of questions and demands got raised, they fled the building under the guise of a 5 minute recess.

  6. “…I wondered how a doofus like him made it through college to get a teaching degree.”

    What, really? Don’t you know that a pulse is all you need to get a teaching degree from an Ed School? Being a Communist with a pulse will get you an Honor’s degree.

  7. Haha! I bet a whole lotta lawyers got phone calls from a whole lotta school employees last night!

    The last speaker, a mom with a son in the school, wanted to know why all the new books that were ordered for classes weren’t being used and the teachers’ own cirriculum (taught on worksheets) was being used at that school. That’s when the board immediately called a second “5 minute recess” and then hied out the back door! LOL! When these parents are done with them, they’ll wish Gabriel Gibe was their *only* problem! LOL!!

  8. Claudia — ‘Zactly right! It only takes one courageous person to stand up and get angry to encourage and help other spines stiffen in support.

    Loco – He was an AP Gov’t teacher. AP Government!!! If you’ve seen him talk it is immediately apparent that he know NOTHING about his subject except what his professors taught him in college and the crap he learned with antifa.

    Different Tim – You’re right, Gibe was a product of a U.S. college.

  9. Want to do something about this in your own community?

    One of the commenters at last night’s school board meeting was a woman from (Carolyn Jackson)

    Ms. Jackson was soft spoken, but firm and threatening to the board — advising them that they took an oath to defend CA’s schools specifically from EXACTLY what Gibe was doing, and what many others ARE doing, in his classroom. She reminded them, by reading the CA code, of specific items they had all violated. is only one of four pillars of a Christian-based movement in CA (made up of about 20 organizations) who are fighting the temporal and spiritual battle against CA’s public schools. They are going after the deviant sex ed, Commie Core, Project 1619, gender bender cirriculuum, and the rest of it.

    There is an opportunity to connect with them and duplicate what they are doing in your own counties and states. Go to their website and watch the video of how they launched this movement. It’s on the front page of their site.

    If not now, when? If not us, who? Let’s take this tide at the flood.

  10. Does anybody else marvel at the utter hubris of these so called teachers poisoning the kids minds with their bullshit? They worship at the altar of Che Guevera, Chairman Mao & Joseph Stalin, forcing this upon their captive audience. Yet, if their vaunted revolution were to actually happen, they would be the first ones to be executed.


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