Company is slammed for having the audacity to try diversity in their ad – IOTW Report

Company is slammed for having the audacity to try diversity in their ad

Black women’s hair. You don’t know the shtruggle.

Shea Moisture is a hair product that helps with that shtruggle. Put a white woman in the commercial and the shtrugglers will destroy you. BLACK ONLY!

WHITES NEED NOT APPLY Shea moisture cream.

The company actually APOLOGIZED for including white women in their ad.

7 Comments on Company is slammed for having the audacity to try diversity in their ad

  1. So basically, what they’re apologizing for is trying to expand their market share. If they were a publicly traded company I’d bet their shareholders would be thrilled to the max for this little “f-up”.

1 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. It has come to this. Hair care product ad is RAAAAACIST! – The Daley Gator

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