Company Trying To Destigmatize the Swastika – IOTW Report

Company Trying To Destigmatize the Swastika


Before being used by Hitler’s German Nazi regime, swastikas were commonly known as an ancient sign used by Hindus and Buddhists carrying positive associations such as auspiciousness and good fortune. KA Designs is attempting to relate the now negative sign to its origins.

The company even made a promotional video claiming that the Nazis “took the swastika, rotated it 45 degrees, and turned it into a symbol of hatred, fear, war, racism, power.”

“They stigmatized the swastika, they won, they limited our freedom, or maybe not?” the video continues. “The swastika is coming back.”

On some of the tee shirts sold by KA Designs, the swastika remains turned by 45 degrees, similarly to the Nazis’ use of the symbol.

In a Facebook post on Sunday, executive director of the Israeli-Jewish Congress and pro-Israel activist Arsen Ostrovsky called the shirts “obscene and disgusting.”

“It may have been a symbol of peace,” he wrote “That most certainly is not what it is primarily associated with today.”


ht/ JS



19 Comments on Company Trying To Destigmatize the Swastika

  1. I think it Was A Link Between Man and The Heavens, Hitler Stole it For That Power. At one Point I Believe He Was Trying to Use it to Communicate with Aliens…Ask Werner Von Braun !

  2. It can not be taken back. It’s not the same as a black referring to another black by the n-word in their attempt to “take back” that word (which is a stupid fail as well). The swastika either through graffiti or tattoos will forever be associated with Third Reich. It’s just too bad, it’s gone. It was stolen and can never be returned. It has become a symbol of evil. Live with it.

  3. They might have a little more luck if they spun it the other way. Spinning to the right, (the reverse of the NAZI Swastika), is a symbol of good fortune and peace. Spinning to the left, as the proper NAZI Swastika does, it is a symbol of misfortune and war. I’m told the original NAZI symbol was actually a left-spinner, but Hitler decided to spin it the other way in the early days of his “Tausand Jahre Reich”.

  4. Nope, not buying it.

    That’s the Left writ small. Always reducing everything to a symbol. Rainbows, equal signs, peace signs, swastikas, hammer & sickle, che.

  5. *Thank you,* Vermin Control. The Pink Swastika does indeed make for surprising reading and will probably become unavailable in the near future. Scott Lively is public enemy #1 for many of the homofascist Svengalis.

  6. Of course some moronic leftists will wear these shirts. They already are embracing sickle/hammer apparel and flags, they wear their Che shirts. Should become the standard garb for antifa.

  7. It make sense that Nazism is the religion/political system of peace – – after they kill the non-believers and subject everyone else by the threat of death.

  8. It is also a common symbol in American Indian culture. There is a subtle swastika motif cut into the marble walls of the state capital rotunda in OKC. And the original shoulder patch of the National Guard’s 45th infantry division was a yellow swastika on a red background.

  9. Someone claiming to want to make peace with an enemy slaughtered — not merely defeated, but taught their place through mass looting, mass raping, mass killing of prisoners after surrender — generations ago? Who would be butt hurt? Well, besides filthy confederates, of course?

  10. In fact, the swastika did rotate leftward. Early Nazi swastikas were straight up vertical. Later Nazi swastikas are rotated about 45 degrees in a clockwise direction

    Here’s a speculative theory about the origin of the Nazi “Heugenkreuss” (hooked cross, which is just of three elements of the swastika)* It may have come from the German post-WWI experience in halting an attempt by Lenin’s Soviet Union to invade Europe. Various embittered veterans of WWI formed militias and aided the Poles in stopping the Red Army

    In so doing, these German veterans finally experienced something they were denied during all of WWI — the taste of victory. And they appeared to link this good feeling to the hooked cross, a Slavic symbol of good fortune

    *(the other two elements are the white disk that contains the heugenkreuss and the blood red banner)

  11. I have a hickory shafted golf club called a Marvel Mid-Iron that has a swastika stamped on it. It was given to me by my father who, ironically, received it as a tip from a Jewish gentleman that he caddied for as a kid…………

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