Company which released dubious hydroxychloroquine study, that Trump-hating media ate up with a spoon, is no more – IOTW Report

Company which released dubious hydroxychloroquine study, that Trump-hating media ate up with a spoon, is no more


You might remember last month when the blue-checks in the media were passing around and doing television segments on a study that seemed to show hydroxychloroquine, a drug President Trump called a possible “game-changer” in the fight against COVID-19, had potentially damaging effects on coronavirus patients.

The study was retracted from the medical journal The Lancet, though, after the journal issued an “expression of concern” about the data used in the study. As Iowahawk explained in a thread:

Rest of story HERE

ht/ bev

10 Comments on Company which released dubious hydroxychloroquine study, that Trump-hating media ate up with a spoon, is no more

  1. The people behind the company are probably the same people who do the global warming studies and they probably are the people who produced Obama’s fake Hawaii birth certificate.

  2. ” of the sad demise of the second most innovative company in medical research.

    — Prof Darrel Francis ☺ Mk CardioFellows Great Again (@ProfDFrancis) June 15, 2020″

    “Innovative,” eh?

    Is that Britspeak for “Bullshit?” 🙄

  3. The protocol, a treatment with the hydroxychloroquine combination (200 mg x 3 per day for 10 days) + Azithromycin (500 mg on the 1st day then 250 mg per day for 5 more days) and 50 mg of zinc daily has been proven over and over to be effective for reducing or eliminating the effects of Chinese flu.

    Further hydroxychloroquine has been taken as a malaria curative for 60(?) years with excellent results.

    Yet Jake “pucker face” Tapper yells it’ll kill you. Lord

    This info was readily available to me so WTF?

  4. I particularly loved:

    “only 5 employees, only one of whom has any medical background. Two of the other employees, according to the Guardian, include a science fiction writer and a male model for hire.”



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