Comparing Britain’s Health Care System To Ours – IOTW Report

Comparing Britain’s Health Care System To Ours

The left is always big on giving anecdotal evidence to justify policy that impacts us all, so let’s return the favor. The Federalist ran this piece on a young couple who live in the UK, but have experienced healthcare both here and there.

Let’s see what we have to look forward to if Bernie and the Democrats succeed in forcing single payer health insurance on us all.


12 Comments on Comparing Britain’s Health Care System To Ours

  1. “Remember to cough into your arm.”

    I’ll never forget Oshithead and Sebelius talking to the general public on TV like teachers talking to 5 year olds. In my mind it was throat stabbing time.

  2. I’ve been watching the British Health Care service falling apart for years. They have staffed their hospitals with Third World losers who barely speak English, and the waiting time for serious surgeries is unbelievable. The same is true with the Canadian system. Socialists in this country won’t be satisfied until our health care system rivals Cuba’s or Venezuela’s disastrous systems. Then they will blame it on the victims of their single payer system.

  3. I’m a US citizen who has lived in an EU country and currently in Canada. This article and the experiences of this couple is all too familiar. I’m constantly astonished at how long it takes just to get a simple MRI, and if you want or need surgery, get on the list. But the Canadian people are clueless about how bad it is.

    BTW, I’m trying to find a way t get back home to the US. I sorely miss it. I just need a good job.

  4. FLY INTO THE UK FROM AFRICA WITH aids free treatment , fly in to the uk from anywhere in the world with any illness stubbed toe to wanting a heart transplant FREE at the point of service ,health tourism outstanding bill to the NHS three £ billion pounds ,chances of recovering debt nil ! every worker pays the national insurance stamp for their working life, the government tells you which doctor you see

  5. The bottom line is: You may not be interested in the Modern State, but the Modern State is CERTAINLY interested in YOU! (Trotsky)

    The statists/totalitarians just can’t leave you alone. They cannot abide Freedom, Liberty, Independence, Happiness, Godliness, Truth, Justice, and the American Way.

    I don’t really care whether their “system” works or not: Just Leave Me The Fuck Alone! Take your “system” and shove it up your ass! Once you allow (yes; ALLOW) other people to organize, systematize, and prioritize YOUR life, you’ll discover (sooner or later) that they are organizing, systematizing, and prioritizing to THEIR advantage, not to yours.

    Simple fact: if you want a helping hand, look on the end of your arm.

    izlamo delenda est …

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