Compilation of 2018 Leftwing Media Fake News Stories – IOTW Report

Compilation of 2018 Leftwing Media Fake News Stories

There are lots of them.

The Daily Caller compiled a list of 32 of the most egregious ones.

Here are some of the titles on the list-

Media Claims Obama Didn’t Separate Families At The Border

Kavanaugh Clerk Flashed ‘White Power’ Symbol

Daily Beast Claims Migrants In Caravan Don’t Have Diseases

Chris Cuomo Shares False Story About AR-15 Purchase

Andrea Mitchell Says Disgraced FL Election Official Is A Republican

Media Still Blaming Republicans For Steele Dossier

WaPo Blames Border Patrol For Death of 7-Year-Old Migrant

This is a great list to have handy to shove in the face of any clueless leftist turd who says fake news is a fairy tale.


2 Comments on Compilation of 2018 Leftwing Media Fake News Stories

  1. At what point do the snowflakes, the lo-infos, and all of them say ‘Wait a minute’ and wonder why MrTrump is still the POTUS. Do they ask themselves why the Russia, Russia Collusion hasn’t been used to throw all of the Trumps in prison, are they confused by the hearings that don’t prove anything, or do they just assume that, oh, someday, someone will do something?


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