Complaint: Gandhi Was Not WOKE Enough – IOTW Report

Complaint: Gandhi Was Not WOKE Enough

[…] Gandhi, the godfather of civil disobedience and an inspiration for the civil rights movement, wasn’t woke enough.

The source of the contention appears to be Gandhi’s view, which was widespread at the time he lived, that Africans were uncivilized. STORY

13 Comments on Complaint: Gandhi Was Not WOKE Enough

  1. I grew up thinking that Ghandi was a near Christ-like figure. One of the books I often referred to in my library was his biographical “My Story of My Experiments With The Truth.”

    Then I heard Churchill’s take on Ghandi: “It is alarming and also nauseating to see Mr Gandhi, a seditious middle temple lawyer, now posing as a fakir of a type well known in the east, striding half-naked up the steps of the viceregal palace, while he is still organising and conducting a defiant campaign of civil disobedience, to parley on equal terms with the representative of the kingemperor.”

    Of course one has to take Churchill’s remarks within the context of the greater history and the struggle between the empire and India’s popular self rule movement. But Churchill’s ability to discern and separate the myth from the man, his ability to point out things that should have been obvious to others, had me wondering about who, exactly, M. Ghandi really was. Unfortunately, I’ve never returned to studying this, but I’ve often thought how much better off India would be today if they had continued under British rule.

  2. All of history’s “human rights” figures have had their images elevated beyond their real life flawed personalities. MLK, Mandela to name a couple were anything but the angels on earth they are portrayed.

  3. Gandhi’s phony fakir shtick didn’t conceal an iron fist as did MLK’s and Mandela’s (both of whom were allied with revolutionary violence). He was a clever lawyer and his views on Africans were based on a lifetime of observation.

    Icons are never who they’re portrayed.

    We have icons because the medias who develop them consider the “common” man to be so deplorably stupid that he must have a rally point of shining virtue (variously defined to fit the times and circumstances) in order to concentrate the mind and will. Not implying that this is a bad thing. History has shown that, sometimes, we need another hero.

    Indian independence needed such a one. Britain was a powerful civilizing influence, but it also exacerbated the endemic corruption.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Ghandi was one of the people responsible for the creation of Pakistan – cutting off a portion of India so moslems could have their own country and wouldn’t have to live with Hindus and others – and in the migration that took place where Indians who lived in the “Pakistani” area were driven from their homes and had to relocate into other parts of India and the moslems migrated to Pakistan – and along the way throughout this process, millions of people were killed – mostly instigated by the moslems. You know the drill – they did what they always do.

    So ghandi was a satanist tool. There was nothing sacred or holy about him.

  5. Gandhi killed his wife by forbidding doctors to give her foreign medicine, penicillin, to treat her pneumonia. However, when he got malaria, he took the foreign medicine to cure his illness. He was a real POS. 💩💩💩

  6. I recall reading a book about Gandhi, don’t recall the title, that made the claim the guy who assassinated him was hailed as a hero by a higher percentage of the population that was never acknowledged in the western press. That always portrayed the image that all of India viewed Gandhi as a saint.

    Also writing he liked to sleep nude with teen age girls (to test his moral control to resist temptation, yeah right), beat his wife, and that he drank cow urine. I don’t know if all or any of that was true or just propaganda by enemies of Gandhi. But some of his negatives have been well documented.


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