Complaints from riders of DC’s Transit System – IOTW Report

Complaints from riders of DC’s Transit System

DC: Officials with Washington, D.C.’s Metro mass transit system fielded more than 2,300 comments during just one month, which were typically riders’ and pedestrians’ complaints and sometimes compliments or suggestions.

The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group obtained copies of the comments originally submitted to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority during November 2016 via a public records request.


— “I’m not sure how to put this delicately, but the passenger we picked up on my way home from work tonight was masturbating in the back of the van. I felt too uncomfortable to call this to the attention of the driver at the time, but I figured it would be best to let you know in case this was a repeat offense.”


15 Comments on Complaints from riders of DC’s Transit System

  1. I read the stats a couple of years back. More than 90% DC Metro employees are black except for the landscaping crews which are hispanic.

    That explains why it’s the worst run metro system in the country.

    How is that “representative” of US?

  2. DC Metro is a textbook example of everything wrong with governmental mass transit.

    Massive costly overpriced poorly planned infrastructure “investments”. Terrible employees and a dysfunctional employee culture, top down. Unpleasant, crime ridden, unsafe. Basic daily maintenance neglected for years requiring complete replacements of whole systems requiring years. Vast systemic corruption.

    Tammany Hall is the Dem Government model. Nothing’s changed since Thomas Nast.

  3. It’s like the old lady complaining at the post office, “If your service doesn’t improve, I’ll take my business elsewhere!”

    “We don’t care; we don’t have to. We’re a government monopoly”

  4. Dear Stuffed Shirts at Ritz Crackers

    A Chain is only as strong as its weakest link, just as a box of crackers is only as appealing as its least intact sleeve. I am paying for fully formed crackers, not butter crumbles. I don’t buy your product with broken quarters, DON’T Stick me with broken pieces of cracker, you miserable dickheads!

    Mort Goldman again!

  5. Speaking of fucked up government transportation, 2/3rds of the roads around me are ripped up ready for repaving. Illinois can’t pass a budget, so the road crews are pulling out on June 30th.

    Illinois hasn’t been able to pass a budget in 2 years, doubtful it’ll happen by the 30th. Summer of ripped up roads will be marvelous! /s

    BUT, they did manage to pass vote 84-0 to rename 270 miles of I-55 from St. Louis to Cook County OBAMA EXPRESSWAY.


    F*CK ’em!

    In the case of the above-mentioned excerpt, that VAN is a CRIPPLE-MOBILE, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the complainant was NOT physically handicapped and rightfully in need of van service…but more likely overweight due to too many bags of EBT-paid pork rinds.

    IN GENERAL, D.C.’s Metro system is fine and MORE THAN above-average in service. The riders have the “entitlement” mentality there, and need a dose of “IF YA DON’T LIKE IT, WALK, YA LARDA$$!!!”

  7. DC Metro is emblematic of Government in General, corruption, nepotism, patronage, disrespect and arrogance.
    Write a letter to a Congressman or Senator, they respond with a canned form letter telling me that they appreciate my thoughts concerning (insert paragraph), then do the exact opposite of what the majority of their constituents desire.

  8. The DC Metro generally works OK but it was laid out by “planners” with the foresight of fruit flies, and “maintained” with an utterly inadequate budget by managers with the IQs of vegetables.

    Planning for the Metro subway started AFTER the completion of the circumferential beltway, but the planners had no clue that the DC Beltway would, surprise!, affect growth and development decisions. So, they built the Metro in a rough spoke and hub radial layout that does nothing to enable travel from place to place around the Beltway where businesses, stores, and residential developments were being built AS THEY DID THE PLANNING. Consequently, if you want to go from Rockville to Wheaton you’ve got to travel into downtown DC (although you don’t have to change trains).

    And don’t get me started on what Metro construction did to downtown DC traffic. For years.

    And the Metro buses – the govt wanted a monopoly on surface transport so they pushed out a functional trolley system and bought a bunch of buses, saying that they’d be able to re-align the bus routes as demand shifted. Of course, it takes YEARS to change bus routes and it frequently doesn’t happen because inevitably you’re taking away at least some people’s convenient bus stop and putting it somewhere else. And the trolley owner, O. Roy Chalk, was told to rip up all the old trolley rails and repave the affected streets. He thumbed his nose at the Metro board and the last time I drove through DC there were still a few remnants of the steel rails showing through the pot-holed streets.

    To be fair, there are some good people who work the buses and subway but there aren’t enough of them to make up for the thousands of arrogant asshole supposed co-workers (actually indolent loafers).

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