Complete the sentence – I can’t start my car because I seem to have lost my car ______ – IOTW Report

Complete the sentence – I can’t start my car because I seem to have lost my car ______

How many said “keys”?

Why would you have said “car keys,” plural?

Because you’re OLDDDDDDDDDDD. That’s why!! Who the hell has more than one key for their car anymore?

I just got one of those “who remembers these things?” emails where we prove to each other that we have one foot in the grave. Normally I gloss through. But this one stuck out –

I refuse to admit that this makes me old. I am positive there are some readers that will remember when you had two cranks to start the car in case one of them snapped.


72 Comments on Complete the sentence – I can’t start my car because I seem to have lost my car ______

  1. I still have keys like that. I like my old vehicles, plus honestly it wasn’t that long ago when vehicles still had two keys. I know I had a late 90’s vehicle that still had a key for the ignition and a key for the doors. Of course the ignition key had a computer chip.

  2. I also remember when there weren’t automatic locks or windows. Some people clearly forget and when they tell lies about someone locking them in a car 38 years ago those pesky details are overlooked hence proving they are ful of …

  3. My Dad had a 74 ford pickup. My Mom had a 77 ford LTD. One day my Dad accidentally used the truck key in the LTD. It worked perfectly. He didn’t realize he had done it until he went to unlock the trunk at the store and didn’t have the trunk key.
    The ignition keys were interchangeable between the two vehicles.

  4. I still prefer the older keys, the car doors wouldn’t automatically lock themselves like they do now with the new computer chip keys. The damn new keys have locked me out at least once where I had to call a locksmith on a newer work truck. I wasn’t aware that it would automatically lock the doors if the key was left was left in the ignition, I do now and every time I get out of my new Mercedes work truck I automatically make sure I take the keys with me. For all you old farts out there I do miss the small hand cranked wing windows for ventilation, the newer side windows are just not the same without them for bringing a breeze into the vehicle.

  5. I would have just ended the sentence with a period. I can’t find my CAR if I go to the grocery store & have to park somewhere in the lot I normally don’t use. Any deviation from the usual routine throws me off, bigly.

  6. A cop pulled me over in my 77′ Camaro in the 80’s.
    I tried to covertly put the trunk key in my sleeve.
    I had bottles of tequila and bourbon in the trunk.
    I had planned on the excuse of not having my trunk key.
    The cop noticed what I was doing and too the key.
    He then took the liquor and sent me on my way.

    Likely wouldn’t have searched my trunk…sigh* 🙁

  7. @Different Jim
    My brother had a 65 Belair. He got one of those spring loaded, belt clip key doohickeys for his job and thought it would be cool to put his car key on it. The first day he used it the device snatched the key out of the ignition while he was driving to work and the entire ring of keys flew back and hit him in the nuts. He almost wrecked the car!

  8. We used to have an old CJ7 Jeep. Although you wouldn’t want to leave anything of real value in the car in an urban area, you were never going to lock yourself out of the car since the doors din’t have locks and come off in a jiffy.

  9. Actually, who the hell has an actual key for the new cars? It’s all key fobs and push buttons then sensor-this and bluetooth-that and Big Brother satellite listening to you scream obscenities at all the stinking commies and worthless garbage clogging the streets. Break something and it’s $1,000 just to begin the ass raping.

    I hate this new car shit. And commies. And waddling fat people. And get off my lawn!

  10. G the Aardvark my Mercedes will NOT let me lock the car if the key is in the car. It also locks if I touch the door handle and the key is in my pocket. I really like these two features (2010 E63)
    But the 2nd key I bought as a spare cost $600 No joke.

  11. @jpm – Suppose you and spouse are in the car together and you stop to run into the C store to buy something. Spouse stays in the car and you want to lock the car for safety. Spouse has a key, too. What happens, I wonder?

  12. My car still has 2 keys (a 1995 GM vehicle with more than 320k miles on it). The present problem is that it doesn’t have brakes, although I’m in the process of correcting that LOL. My car is so old it has drum brakes on the rear. Spent the last few afternoons replacing the master cylinder and rebuilding the rear brakes including new shoes. I had to stop in the middle of one rear wheel today because it was too cold.

    My dad’s car has 3 keys now because the trunk lock cylinder failed and I had to replace it with a new one. One key for ignition, one for door locks and one for the trunk lock.

    Yes, I realize that I’m am stuck in a time warp, but I’ve found that isn’t all that bad these days.

  13. Had to get a 2007 Dodge Caravan when we went for a 2008 (back when), because the new Caravans and the Chrysler’s put the gear shift on the dash instead of the steering column. My CME joint cannot take the pressure needed to shift. Don’t know where they have it now, I was so p*$$ed that I vowed no more new cars till Necessity strikes.

  14. Uncle Al — I had a VW beetle in H.S. It was about 15 years old, so I got a great deal on it, $500.00 Straight body, ran great. The only problem was vapor lock at the least convenient times. I could compression start it by myself, too, if I had to! 🙂

  15. My husband got sick of my paid off, 12-year-old car “nickel and dimeing” him to death so he picked out a brand new car and bought it for me off the lot. Very thoughtful of him, but I cannot stand all the computerized, touch-screen crap and how it forces me to take my eyes off the road every time I want to adjust the temperature. My poor 88-year-old father asked me to please help him when I went home last month. He bought a new Focus early in the year and left all the factory settings in place because he couldn’t figure out how to change them. Drove around with the heat on low all summer and all four windows rolled down. “I like cars with knobs, little girl. Can’t figure this stuff out.” I’m with him.

  16. When I was in high school, a new Chevy was $1750. A VW beetle was $999
    Beetles were the best in snow, rear wheel drive with rear engine and flat undercarriage. Would toboggan over drifts. Needed to have a gas heater, though.

    Used to be one key for doors and trunk, one key for ignition. Always left wing vent unlatched, to get back in when the doors were locked and the key was at home. On the keyboard. Not the kind you type on.

  17. My dad ordered a 1963 Chevrolet C10 pickup brand new (which he still has and it still runs – a straight 6 engine with three on the column). The only “extras” he ordered on it were a rear bumper, a heater and an AM radio (with vacuum tubes) …. none of which were considered “standard” equipment at the time.

  18. My first car was a 70 Dodge Dart. The door lock was set up so you had to lock it from the outside with the key. You could not push the button down and then shut the door. I think it was that way because it was designed for forgetful old people.
    Chrysler keys were upside down too. The left side lug nuts were left hand threads…

  19. I have those two very types of Keys.
    Mrs. Lazlo let me buy a ’78 Chevy PU “so you’ll shut the Hell up about it” (I wanted a pre-computer, pre-electronic vehicle for my post apocalyptic zombie squasher).
    I just replaced the manual window actuators. First one took an hour and a half, the second one: 20 minutes. Bless you You Tube.
    An old vehicle is good for the soul.
    One cannot take an old vehicle for granted.
    An old vehicle keeps you responsible.
    You acquire valuable skills working on and diagnosing problems on an old vehicle.
    You acquire patience, creativity, and a reverence for American engineering skills.
    You are forced to learn new skills and you can travel with a sense of confidence; brave with the knowledge that you can repair your vehicle and get yourself home.
    I recommend it

  20. Jethro, I remember those.lefty lug nuts. People who didn’t know about those either broke them off or tightened them so you couldn’t get em off without heating them. If you were lucky. Everything left turns into a bad idea.

  21. Jethro

    My first car was a 1970 340 Duster. (Same as a Dart, A body Mopar). Stock a 13.4 second car. Well after a year I had it under 12 seconds. Put a motor in that thing one night, broke in the cam, hopped in for a test spin. Throttle cable stuck pinned. I know you know what happens when you turn the key off. I’m certain there’s still pinch marks in those seats.

  22. The glove box had a key lock to.

    Uncle Al,

    I had a 70 VW bus. The windshield defroster was an ice scraper operated by the passenger, or me if I was by myself.
    I don’t miss it at all.

  23. My 1997 Chevy has a special fob for locking/unlocking the doors electronically. I accidently found out that I can also lock/unlock the doors of other people’s Chevys of that era. Hmmm.
    Walking through a parking lot, I hit the ‘unlock’ button and I heard – clunk/clunk/clunk . I unlocked two other Chevys. hmmm

  24. Bad Brad. Man My first new car was a 70 Duster. Cost me 2 grand. Lasted a long time. Stick shift. No A/C,no power windows, nuttin. Loved it. Now I drive a 2016 Ford Tarus. Got so much shit in it I’m afraid to touch certain buttons. LOL

  25. I’ve never paid any attention to our newer vehicle until one day I accidentally locked myself out. I was always good at using a piece of wire and feeding it through and pulling the knob. So I went into the store and bought some wire, came back out and realized the newer vehicle has no knobs.
    I had to call my husband to come bring me the other set of keys, well not a key, but the fob thing and it does have a key for the ignition and doors in case the fob quits working.

    I prefer to just drive our old vehicles and yes we get attached to our old vehicles and have a hard time ever getting rid of them.

  26. @Uncle Al – The VW Beetle heater was a faucet spigot, on the floor between the front seats – completely useless under 45 degrees. We had a ’55, the directional signals were flip-up amber semaphore flags on the B-pillars.

  27. Well, the rear seat in my bug did fold down for a nice flat space.kinda cozy. Also had a camper van I drove cross country in December. I had to scrape ice off inside of windshield.

  28. As of the late 60s when Ford went to the 2 sided keys, if you had more than one ford, you could cut each vehicle on 1 side.
    1 set of keys for 2 vehicles! Same thing with the later 10 cut, and when they chipped them, just velcro the programmed key (or broken off head)under the column, no fat keys on your ring.
    Them was the good ol days, up until I got obamanized in ’12 after which I went 3 1/2 years with only my bike before I scrapped up enough $ with my new, lower paying job to add a 25 year old Jeep to my “fleet”. Winters are much easier with 4 wheels and heater.

  29. I suppose the idea of a separate trunk key 🔑 was to keep an auto service or valet parking attendant from getting the stuff out of your trunk and glove 🧤 box. Who keeps gloved in the glove compartment or box anyway?
    Then came the vallet key, that key which had a different color (gray instead of black) which would start the car but not give access to the trunk or the aforementioned glove compartment which we previously established, does not contain any gloves.
    My 2013 Honda Accord V6 has the square key fob I keep in my pocket. For the valet key (I never use valet parking) or having the car serviced, I can disconnect the square outer shell of the key fob and leave it with the dealer service people, revealing an actual 🔑 still attached to my key ring. I could use that to actually lock the inside the car trunk release and the door to the aforementioned glove compartment. Therefore, even eith all that technology, I still have two keys, one that looks like a 🔑 and one that does not. The one that does not look like a key does all the work until I have to get a small flat battery to insert inside it after prying it apart with a thin metal blade or even the remaining non key 🔑.
    Are there any questions?

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